Vice-Chancellor and President

Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President Academic

Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President Research

Vice-President Engagement and Chief Marketing Officer
Lara McKay

Deputy Vice-Chancellor International and Vice-President Business Development

Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Finance Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Australians)

Vice-President (Digital) and Chief Digital Officer

General Counsel

Vice-President People and Chief People Officer

Faculty of Business and Law
Executive Dean

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
Executive Dean

Faculty of Engineering
Executive Dean

Faculty of Health
Executive Dean

Faculty of Science
Executive Dean
Pro Vice-Chancellors

Pro Vice-Chancellor
(Academic Programs and Partnerships)

Pro Vice-Chancellor
(Entrepreneurship and Regional Innovation)

Pro Vice-Chancellor
(Learning and Teaching)

Pro Vice-Chancellor
(Research Infrastructure)

Pro Vice-Chancellor

Pro Vice-Chancellor
(Research Career Advancement)