From improving lives to making ground-breaking research discoveries, by leaving a gift in your will you are creating a brighter future.

The gift of a lifetime

Today, generous supporters are transforming the lives of vulnerable students and paving the way for research and community developments because of a decision they made, sometimes several years ago, to support QUT in their will.

We hope you too will consider this fulfilling means of making a life-changing difference.

Becoming a donor

'For us, it is seeing the individual students we support through the Learning Potential Fund succeed that has inspired us to leave a gift to QUT in our will.

Helping these students overcome tough circumstances to stay at QUT and build a new future for themselves is wonderful. To know that our gift will help achieve this in perpetuity is a source of great joy.'

Ray and Penny Weekes, QUT Learning Potential Fund donors and bequestors

How you can leave a gift in your will

There are several ways you can make an impact through your planned gift.

What you can achieve with your gift:

  • establishing a scholarship (named or anonymous) to support students in need
  • funding groundbreaking research
  • contributing to the purchase of vital property and equipment
  • creating your gift in perpetuity or for a fixed term to support a cause that means something to you.

How we help you

Gifts in wills are extremely important to secure the future of QUT’s students, research and the community.

We understand that your legacy must honour and reflect your values and we take great care in fulfilling your vision. QUT’s recommended wording for your will is available to help you fulfil your wishes and what you would like your gift to achieve.

We also recommend that you:

  • consult with legal or other professional counsel when creating or amending your will
  • discuss your choice to leave a gift to QUT in your will with family members and others affected by your decision.

Contact us if you have already included QUT in your will so that we can personally thank you and ensure we act in accordance with your wishes.

To find out more about leaving a gift to QUT in your will and how you can gain the deepest possible satisfaction from your contribution, contact QUT’s Gifts in Wills Manager, Heath Mackay on +61 07 3138 7525 or email

Read more about our recommended wording for your will.

Download Wills for Specific Purposes information (PDF file, 42.6 KB)

How to make a donation

You have several options available to you when deciding how and what to give to. With 100% of your gift going directly to the cause, you can be sure you are making a true impact where it is most needed.


Direct debit, credit card or direct transfer.

Give online


Complete form with cheque or credit card details and post to QUT Advancement, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane QLD 4001.

Download form (PDF file, 236.1 KB)


Call Advancement on 07 3138 2147 for details of how to support an important cause.

Contact Advancement

Find us at
Level 3, A Block, Room 315
Gardens Point
2 George St
Brisbane QLD
Postal address
GPO Box 2434
Brisbane QLD 4001