You’ll need to demonstrate that you’re experiencing financial hardship and come from a low-income background. Below is a list of documents we’ll need from you.
Bank statements and individual transaction histories
You’ll need to supply individual transaction histories/bank statements for all bank accounts, covering a period of at least the last two months, backdated from your application submission date.
Bank statements and individual transaction histories must:
- include your full name, current balance, and show all incoming and outgoing transactions made in to and out of the account
- cover the period of at least the last two months, backdated from the time of submitting your application
- include all bank accounts, including everyday accounts, savings accounts, investment accounts, loan accounts, joint accounts, and online payment platform statements (e.g. PayPal, Buy Now Pay Later services, etc)
- include both onshore (Australian) and overseas bank accounts
- not be in an amendable file format, such as DOCX, XLSM, or CSV.
You must supply proof of all income sources.
This may include:
- employment income
- government payments and allowances
- family assistance and allowances
- investment income
- foreign and worldwide income
- superannuation pensions and annuities
- business partnership and trust income
- compensation and insurance payments
- scholarships/prizes/awards.
Examples may include pay slips, Australian Taxation Office notice of assessments for the most recent financial year, or Centrelink Income Statements.
If you’re partnered, or you’re financially supported by your parent(s)/caregiver(s), you will need to provide proof of their income, covering the last two months from application submission date.
Significant expenses, debts, or missed payments
You’ll need to supply evidence of any significant expenses, debts (including education loans), or missed payments, if applicable.
You may also be required to supply additional documentation to support your eligibility. Below is a non-exhaustive list of documents we may request from you.
Medical conditions or disability
If you have a health condition or live with a disability (physical, intellectual, or psychiatric), you’ll need to provide a certificate or letter from a registered health practitioner or relevant professional. This document should detail the duration and severity of your condition or disability, based on their professional opinion.
If you’re on a Disability Support Pension (DSP) with Centrelink, you can provide a Centrelink Income Statement confirming your DSP instead of a certificate or letter from a registered health practitioner or relevant professional.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
If you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, you must complete the Confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Descent (CATSID) process.
Documents need to be submitted directly to the Oodgeroo Unit or Carumba Institute for assessment. If you require assistance, contact the Oodgeroo Unit or Carumba Institute.
Regional, rural, or remote
If you're from a regional, rural, or remote area in Australia, you must:
- show evidence of having resided in a regional, rural, or remote area, according to the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) at the time of your admissions application (QTAC or direct application to QUT), or show evidence of having attended a school in a regional, rural, or remote area, according to the ASGS
- show evidence of being a recent school leaver (i.e. have graduated school in the last two years and have done no further study since graduating).
For example, you may provide an official bill, tax return, senior year school report cards/certificates, or letter from a local official which shows evidence of you having resided, or attended a school, in a regional, rural, or remote area in Australia.
Australian South Sea Islanders
If you identify as an Australian South Sea Islander (i.e. a direct descendant of the South Sea Islanders who were brought into Queensland or New South Wales from the Pacific Islands between 1863 and 1904 and worked as long-term indentured labourers), you must provide a letter of verification from a recognised Australian South Sea Islander organisation.
The Smith Family Learning for Life program
If you’re a member of The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program, you must provide a letter of verification on official company letterhead from The Smith Family, or your Learning for Life program worker, dated within the last 12 months verifying your program participation.
Parent or carer
If you are a parent or carer to a dependent(s) under the age of 18 years old, you must provide evidence to demonstrate your parenting situation. Example documentation may include birth certificates, passports, Medicare cards, concession and health care cards, school enrolment letters, report cards, a Centrelink Income Statement showing the number of assessed children and the percentage of care, or childcare documents (e.g. tax invoice, Complying Written Arrangement (CWA)).
Caring for dependents over 18 years
If you are a carer to a dependent(s) over the age of 18 years old, you must provide evidence to demonstrate your carer situation. Examples may include a Centrelink Income Statement confirming your receipt of Carer Allowance and/or Carer’s Payment, or a certificate or letter from a registered health practitioner or relevant professional.
Dependents with additional support requirements or special needs
If you are a parent or carer to a dependent(s) under the age of 18 years old with additional support requirements or special needs (either physical, intellectual, or psychiatric), you must provide evidence to demonstrate your situation. Examples may include, a certificate or letter from a registered health practitioner, relevant professional, or school official (e.g., registered teacher or school guidance counsellor).
Refugee or asylum seeker
If you are a refugee or asylum seeker, you must provide evidence to demonstrate your refugee or asylum seeker status. Examples include a letter of verification from a recognised organisation, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), or government entity/company, or evidence of your humanitarian visa (either current or expired).
Difficult or disrupted family or personal circumstances
If you’re experiencing difficult or disrupted family circumstances, you may need to provide evidence. We handle these situations on a case-by-case basis. If there’s any risk associated with this request, please discuss it with a staff member. We’re here to support you.