We embed gender equity philosophy and practices into all aspects of the university's activities. We recognise that gender is one dimension of diversity and we're committed to achieving fair and equitable outcomes for staff and students in all aspects of work and study, regardless of gender identity or presentation.

Gender equity for staff and students enables diverse communities of staff and students to flourish and achieve their potential, and each year QUT reports to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

Read our gender equity policy

Read our equity reports

Gender Equity and Diversity in STEMM Action Plan

QUT strives to create an equal, equitable and diverse teaching and research environment that is fully inclusive for all people. We are not a complete community until all individuals are included and afforded opportunity, regardless of their backgrounds, characteristics, beliefs and circumstances.

The Gender Equity and Diversity in STEMM Action Plan reflects QUT’s long-term commitment to addressing the under-representation of women, trans and gender-diverse people in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) disciplines.

The Gender Equity and Diversity in STEMM Action Plan outlines QUT’s actions to support gender equity and diversity in staff recruitment, progression and retention in STEMM faculties, research centres and disciplines.

We will continue to provide opportunities to improve the visibility and celebrate the achievements of our richly diverse research community.

Read the GEDS Action Plan (PDF file, 898.6 KB)

Women in STEMM

The Women in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine) program aims to improve progression and retention of academic women in STEMM, through support programs, removing barriers and biases, providing better access to leadership positions, and actively involving senior staff.

We hold workshops for all academics in STEMM to improve organisational culture. We also provide women with career mentoring, writing retreats, training and development workshops, and opportunities for leadership shadowing and deputising.

Find out more

Women in Leadership Program

The QUT Women in Leadership (WIL) Program provides university-wide development and support programs. These include:

  • Women in Research Grant Scheme to assist academic women affected by career breaks and interruptions
  • writing retreats
  • showcases for early to mid-career academics to speak about their research
  • Quality Women in Leadership program aimed at professional HEW9 and above, and academic level C and above
  • for academic carers, we offer funds to support the costs of additional care when travelling away from base to attend conferences and the like
  • for academic staff taking long periods of leave, such as maternity leave, we offer a planning process and funds to assist in regaining research momentum a quickly as possible on return.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact QUT Equity.

Find us at
Level 3, C Block, Room 301
Kelvin Grove