As a parent or caregiver, you have a powerful impact on the education and success of your child. Research shows that your influence is even greater than factors like gender, cultural background, or family income.

By being involved in your child's career development, you can help them feel more confident, motivated, and aware of their options for higher education. However, it's understandable if you don't always know how to best support your child. That's why these resources have been created just for you - to provide the knowledge and tools you need to guide your child's development and help them achieve their goals.

Carers as influencers

This program has been developed to provide year level appropriate information that:

  • introduces you to members of the Explore Your Future (EYF) team
  • keeps you informed of EYF offerings in your child’s school
  • stresses the important role you play in your child’s career aspirations and encourages your continued engagement in the career education/ development of your child in secondary school
  • encourages you to further reflect on your own career journey.

This program is offered as face-to-face presentations organised by your school by year level.

Pathway and career modules

This is a self-paced online program developed to offer you a bit more in-depth knowledge so you have a deeper understanding of how you can assist in your child’s career development journey.

This program will:

  • explain why we do what we do and the important role you play in your child’s career aspirations
  • define career and career development
  • introduce you to basic career development theory and current world of work trends
  • introduce you to 5 career principles that will aid you in discussing pathway options and work with your child
  • provide time for you to reflect on and apply the principles to your own career journey.

Begin Course 1: Speaking of Career...

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Found 13 matching resources

Displaying 1–6 of 13 results

Career bullseyes

MyFuture’s interactive Career bullseyes allow you to explore jobs related to different subjects, grouped by the level of training required.

Go to Career bullseyes

Character Assessment

This resource from University of the Sunshine Coast allows you to find out your character type and therefore understand more about yourself and the jobs that might appeal to you.

Go to Character Assessment

Empower your child for a great future

Five key areas in which you can help and guide your child as they consider their future career and their options after school.

Go to the guide for empowering your child's future

FYA Career Type Quiz

An analysis of more than 2.7 million job advertisements conducted as part of the Foundation for Young Australians’ New Work Mindset report has revealed that the Australian economy has seven job clusters aligned with the skills required for jobs of the future. Take this quiz to see which cluster you’re best suited to.

Take the FYA Career Type Quiz

Holland Code Career Test

The Holland Career Test focuses on career and vocational choice. It groups people on the basis of their suitability for six different categories of occupations.

Take the Holland Code Career Test

Job Outlook Career Quiz

Understand your work style and to explore careers you might enjoy with this quiz from Job Outlook, an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.

Take the Job Outlook Career Quiz

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Contact us

Get in touch with the Your Future Careers Team for more information.