Where can I complete my professional experience?

South-East Queensland

Most pre-service teachers will be allocated a placement within 90 minutes travel time from their home address.

Locations depend on what you're studying and which sites have offered placements.

Regional, rural and remote Queensland

Regional, rural and remote placements are those outside of the Brisbane metro area, Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast.

External students living in regional, rural and remote settings will be placed within reasonable proximity to their residential address as listed with QUT, and these will not be considered regional, rural and remote placements and do not require an application form; for example an external student lives in Cairns and is placed in Cairns.


You can undertake your pre-service placement in a regional, rural and remote setting if you have the following:

  • a GPA of 4+
  • satisfactory final reports from previous professional studies units
  • ability to financially support yourself for travel, accommodation and living expenses
  • a flexible attitude and can demonstrate a willingness to adjust to different experiences
  • flexibility with teaching area requirements in some settings.

Regional, rural and remote placements cannot be undertaken by internal students on their first professional experience placement.

How to apply

Applications for regional, rural and remote placements are open for 2025. Applications for Semester 1 close Monday 17 February 2025.

Submit an application form as soon as you enrol in the professional experience unit.

Step 1: Complete the managing your rights, responsibilities and safety on placement form

Step 2: Complete the rural, regional and remote application form. You will be required to upload your previous final professional experience reports to this application.

Step 3: Once you have submitted the RRR application, you will receive a PDF copy of the application via email. Upload the PDF copy to InPlace>My Details>Regional, Rural and Remote Application. Your application will not be considered if it is not uploaded to InPlace.

Refer to the grants, bursaries and incentives information to learn more about financial assistance while on placement.

Accommodation and travel costs

You are responsible for organising all accommodation and travel, along with any associated costs. Regional, rural and remote sites sometimes provide accommodation for free or at a nominal cost. If you have family or friends who can offer accommodation in regional, rural and remote settings, include this on your application form. Occasionally the site coordinator can assist you to source Ed Qld housing. When confirming your placement, the PEO will request accommodation options for you, however it is up to you to discuss this with the school once your placement has been confirmed. If Ed Qld housing is not available you will be required to source alternative accommodation such as a hotel or Airbnb.

Grants, bursaries and incentives

Scholarships and supporting low income students

Browse scholarships and support options

Geoffrey and Cynthia Taylor remote bursary

About the scholarship

Beyond the Range and Teach Queensland scholarships and grants

Teach Queensland has a number of scholarships and grants that you may be eligible for it undertaking a regional, rural or remote placement.

Learn more at Teach Queensland

QUT Alumni Rural and Remote Bursary

This bursary assists with travel and accommodation costs associated with rural and remote placements. Successful applicants will be required to work with QUT to promote the opportunities and experiences available in rural and remote settings.Download the QUT Alumni Rural and Remote Bursary criteria (PDF file, 21.8 KB)Download the QUT Alumni Rural and Remote Bursary application form (PDF file, 59.0 KB)

Equity Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Relocation Bursaries

Learn more about WIL Relocation Bursaries

Rural Practicum Incentives

The Isolated Children's Parents' Association of Queensland offers incentives to pre-service teachers completing rural placements. A list of these incentives can be found at qld.icpa.com.au however check with the Professional Experience team first before making contact.

Morgans Financial Ltd Regional and Rural Teaching Bursary

Learn more

States and territories other than Queensland

Pre-service teachers need to be aware that interstate placements are very competitive and can take some time to organise. Unlike metro placements, students are responsible for sourcing their own interstate placement school. Contact the PEO as soon as you enrol in your PEx unit to advise that you intend on completing your placement interstate. They can provide support and advice on sourcing a placement.

Interstate placements are any placement outside of Queensland, including:

  • external students living in a state/territory other than Queensland and completing professional experience in that state/territory
  • students who reside in Queensland but wish to undertake professional experience in another state/territory.

How to apply

Submit an application form as soon as you enrol in the professional experience unit.

Step 1: Complete the managing your rights, responsibilities and safety on placement form

Step 2: Complete the interstate application form. This should be completed once you have sourced a placement school

Step 3: Once you have submitted the interstate application, you will receive a PDF copy of the application via email. Upload the PDF copy to InPlace>My Details>Interstate Application. Your application will be not be considered if it is not uploaded to InPlace.

Step 4: Apply for the relevant working with children check for your state or territory, and either attach a copy to the application or email to peo.rrrii@qut.edu.au. This is required at least two weeks before the commencement of your placement.

Working With Children Checks


New South Wales

Northern Territory

South Australia


Western Australia


International placements

You can undertake an international professional experience if you meet the following criteria:

  • minimum GPA of 5.0 or above
  • the majority (at least 51%) of your supervised professional experience must be undertaken in an Australian setting
  • satisfactory results for all previous professional experiences
  • you have a current blue card
  • you have the capacity to pay for all your expenses, such as travel, accommodation, living expenses and extra insurance if necessary
  • this is not your first or final placement as a QUT student.


You will need to source the placement yourself through direct contact with schools, and in conjunction with the PEx team.

The school must:

  • teach in the English language
  • not be declared as a risk destination - check Smart Traveller
  • provide a registered teacher as your supervisor.

You will need to organise, if applicable:

  • Blue Card and equivalent for your destination
  • passport
  • visas
  • international student card
  • international insurance
  • travel vaccinations
  • airport taxes.

How to apply

Contact the PEx team in the first instance, then fill out the application form.

Download the International Professional Experience application form (PDF file, 380.3 KB)

Before you start your placement

There are a few things you need to have organised well before placement starts. If you don't, you may have to withdraw from the subject which could delay you completing your degree.

Mandatory early childhood (ED34, ED39 and EU30) vaccination requirements

Staff and students working in early childhood education and care services can be exposed to vaccine preventable diseases through contact with infectious children and their blood and body substances. Vaccination helps to protect staff, students, their families and the children they care for. Outbreaks of these diseases in early childhood education and care services can result in serious illness in staff, students, children attending the service and family members. Some of these diseases, such as rubella, chickenpox and influenza can cause severe disease in pregnant women and/or harm their baby. These diseases are generally very infectious and can spread before an infected person shows signs of illness. Vaccination and good hand and respiratory hygiene are the most effective ways to protect against infection.

In response to industry partner requirements, all early childhood (ED34, ED39 and EU30) students undertaking work integrated learning and Professional Experience in Queensland, must obtain proof of the following vaccinations prior to Professional Experience placements:

  • Whooping cough
  • Influenza
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • Chickenpox (Varicella)
  • Hepatitis A
  • or a certificate of exemption for medical reasons from a GP or specialist doctor.

As soon as you enrol into the unit, make it a priority to obtain any outstanding vaccinations and upload your certificates as soon as possible.

How to upload vaccination documents to InPlace (PDF file, 351.1 KB)

The Professional Experience Office commences the placement process months in advance and some centres require vaccination information before confirming the placement. Students failing to provide evidence of vaccinations or a certificate of exemption for medical reasons by placement deadlines (determined each semester), will not be permitted to attend Professional Experience placements in prior to school settings.

All certificates proving up to date vaccinations must be uploaded to each student's InPlace profile (under my details) prior to the semester deadline before PEx placements will be released to each student. Specific industry partners may require certificates to be cited prior to students commencing their placements or require additional induction or infections awareness training be completed prior to a placement commencing. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure this is done prior to attending PEx or you will risk not being allowed to commence.


To undertake professional experience, you must have a GPA of 4.0 or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, the professional experience team will need to decide if you can enrol in the unit.

Before your final professional experience, you must have passed LANTITE. We recommend that BEd students take this test after their first year, and MTeach students take it after their first semester.


Students who are enrolled in EUB406 (Stepping Out/Teacher Performance Assessment) and EUN240 (Teachers Researching Practice) and not concurrently enrolled in a Professional Experience Unit will be required to complete a 20-day micro-placement in order to facilitate their QTPA.

This experience is not an assessed professional experience placement, however, is subject to the same placement guidelines, policies and rules as any other Professional Experience Placement.  Should a micro-placement be stopped by a school due to a students’ behaviour or professional capability, subject to a Faculty of Education review, the student may not be replaced and unable to submit their QTPA constituting a fail grade for the unit.

Make sure your details are up to date

Make sure your contact details and address are up to date. We will use your current residential address to assist in finding an appropriate placement.

Blue Card/Working With Children Check

In Queensland, anyone working with children under 18 years old must undergo a criminal history check and posses a Blue Card. These are issued by the Queensland Government Blue Card Services and are valid for 3 years.

Before you start your placement, you must have your Blue Card, AND have your Blue Card registered with QUT Student Services.

You must apply for a Blue Card at least 10 weeks before placement starts.

If you haven't applied for a new Blue Card or renewal 10 weeks before placements begin, we will not source a placement for you.

Find out more about applying for a Blue Card on HiQ

If your placement is in another state or country, you will also need to undergo a Working With Children Check with the relevant authority and register this with HiQ.

Make a disclosure

Do any of these situations apply to you? Could they affect your ability to participate fully in your placement? If so, please read more about making a disclosure on HiQ.

  • a disability, injury, health condition (permanent, temporary, episodic or fluctuating)
  • religious or cultural considerations
  • difficult personal circumstances

If you are required to obtain medical clearance for any physical or mental health issues prior to starting professional experience, you may choose to provide your doctor, psychologist or counsellor with the following Medical Clearance Template to help ensure that all the required information is collected for the PEO.

Identify and report conflicts of interest

You are expected to recognise and let us know of any potential conflicts of interest, such as:

  • A spouse, partner, family member or close friend is employed at the site
  • Your own children, or children of family members are enrolled at the site
  • You are already employed at the site in any capacity, including teachers aide, OSHC worker, music / drama / sports tuition

You will not normally be placed at a site where you have identified a potential conflict of interest.

Report any potential conflicts of interest to the Professional Experience team. Failing to report may jeopardise your placement.

Workplace health and safety

Set your goals

Prior to starting your placement you need to start planning your goals and objectives for the placement. You will need to provide these goals, along with your contact details, to your Site Coordinator, Supervising Teacher and University Partner as soon as you have been allocated a placement site.

Download the goal setting sheet (PDF file, 533.9 KB)

Prepare your Professional Practice Folder

Pre-service teachers must have a Professional Practice Folder for each Professional Experience placement they undertake. This must be a physical folder which must be made available to their Site Coordinator, Supervising Teacher and University Partner as requested. The pre-service teacher must keep this folder up to date on a daily basis.

Download folder information sheet (PDF file, 76.3 KB)

Financial support on placement

There is support available for current students completing a professional experience placement and experiencing financial hardship.

Support for students

Finding a placement

If you wish to complete your professional experience anywhere outside Southeast Queensland, contact the professional experience team as soon as possible. Under no circumstances are students to contact schools/centres themselves to discuss or arrange their own placement. Reach out to the Professional Experience Office if you wish to discuss your placement. Only Interstate and International students are permitted to approach schools/centres to organise their own placements.

The Professional Experience Office places more than 2500 preservice teachers per year. The placement process begins as early as January, and staff work hard to secure placements for all students. Help us by ensuring your information is up to date: address, contact details, whether you’re on public transport, etc. For all early childhood students, please ensure you’re across your vaccination requirements. Some centres will not accept a placement without proof of your vaccination, so it is imperative that you upload all of your vaccination documents as early as possible.

South-East Queensland placements

Regional, rural and remote placements

Interstate placements

International placements

While you're on placement

Find out what will be expected of you before you begin your placement.




Progress reports

Progression tables

Workplace Health and Safety

Respect and safety

Legal responsibilities

Discontinuing your placement

Academic and personal support services

Permission to Teach (PTT)

Support for students on professional experience

  • Counselling services.
  • Disability and accessibility services.
  • Welfare services.
  • QUT medical services.
  • Harassment and discrimination advisers.
  • International student support.
  • Chaplaincy.

Contact us

Want more information about your classroom experience? Contact the professional experience team.