Site coordinators - what you need to do
As site coordinator, it's your role to coordinate all placements at your school or site. Specifically this includes:
- notify QUT of available positions at your school or site for pre-service teachers
- organise placements with the partnership officer
- let supervising teachers know details of pre-service teachers who have been assigned to them
- organise with pre-service teacher to complete an orientation/induction on the commencement of day one
- provide orientation to pre-service teachers
- provide support to supervising teachers
- ensure all reports are completed and sign off on final reports
- immediately contact the university partner if you have any concerns.
Download the Site Coordinator Checklist (PDF file, 52.5 KB)
More information
Orientation / induction
Lead in days are no longer mandatory. On the commencement of day one you'll need to discuss the following with the pre-service teacher:
- workplace health and safety and child protection
- your site protocols and guidelines
- site based policies, for example, behaviour management, planning, code of behaviour
- expectations with regards to dress, punctuality, teaching loads, special requirements of the site, etc
- procedures for sign in and the wearing of an easily recognisable name badge. (QUT student ID card, Blue Card, and/or a visitor's badge as supplied by your site can be displayed in a lanyard)
- procedures if ill or absent – a medical certificate is required if absent for two or more days.
You'll also need to organise the following:
- a site tour and introductions to colleagues
- a workspace
- a network username and password
- pre-service teacher's alternate and emergency contact details.
Reporting and evaluation
As coordinator you'll need to assist the supervising teacher with reporting. Specifically you'll need to:
- participate in evaluation of pre-service teacher progress
- ensure supervising teacher completes interim reports and discuss these with the pre-service teacher
- develop an improvement plan or Student Action Plan if required.
Permission to Teach
Supervising teachers - what you need to do
At the beginning of the placement, you'll need to discuss the following with the pre-service teacher:
- introduce the pre-service teacher to relevant colleagues
- in conjunction with the pre-service teacher, prepare an overview of the work they'll be doing
- discuss your expectations with the pre-service teacher and find out what they hope to achieve or learn
- provide background information on the children or students that the pre-service teacher will be working with.
You may also like to read the Queensland College of Teacher's information on supervising pre-service teachers, including their evidence guide for supervision.
During professional experience
As an experienced teacher, you are able to share your valuable insights and guidance. You should use this opportunity to:
- demonstrate a range of particular teaching strategies and principles
- provide an opportunity for varied teaching experiences
- give guidance on planning and lesson presentation
- advise on classroom management and organisation
- plan, teach and reflect with the pre-service teacher
- encourage the pre-service teacher to plan more complex and engaging teaching and learning strategies once they are comfortable with the basics.
You should also provide regular support and feedback to the pre-service teacher.
- make time to meet with the pre-service teacher on a daily basis
- expect the pre-service teacher to show you their written work each day. Lesson plans should be presented to you 24 hours before teaching to allow time for discussion and any adjustments to be made
- provide regular written and oral feedback to the pre-service teacher identifying strengths and areas that require further development.
Your pre-service teacher should have a physical Professional Practice Folder which should be made available to you every day and to the Site Coordinator and University Partner as requested. This folder will include all lesson plans, observations, implementation notes and reflections about the placement.
Reporting and evaluation
Every placement requires the completion of interim and final reports. You will need to:
- complete interim and final reports in a timely manner, and pass on to the site coordinator to sign
- discuss strengths, achievements and areas for improvement with the pre-service teacher
- ensure pre-service teachers receive copies of their final report at the completion of their professional experience.
Some pre-service teachers studying Early Childhood and Primary education will have an additional field in their interim and final reports for assessing their Primary Specialisation. This Primary Specialisation will be in one of the following fields:
- literacy/english
- numeracy/mathematics
- science.
Download the guidelines for assessing Primary Specialisations (PDF file, 347.5 KB)
If there is a problem or area of concern:
- as soon as possible, provide written feedback to the pre-service teachers, and work with them to address the area of concern
- involve the site coordinator and university partner if needed
- if necessary, instigate a Student Action Plan.
Student Action Plan
If you identify an issue with the pre-service teacher's practice or professional conduct, you should implement a Student Action Plan immediately.
The Student Action Plan should be seen as a positive way of outlining expectations and how to achieve them.
Download the Student Action Plan form (PDF file, 143.6 KB)
What is a Student Action Plan?
A Student Action Plan is designed for pre-service teachers who are not performing satisfactorily on their placement, and without intervention would be likely to fail Professional Experience.
It clearly identifies what the problem is, and specific steps that the pre-service teacher can take to address it.
Who should instigate a Student Action Plan?
The supervising teacher should instigate the Student Action Plan. If you (the supervising teacher) are concerned about your pre-service teacher's performance, you should enact a Student Action Plan immediately.
When should a Student Action Plan be used?
A Student Action Plan should be used as soon as the supervising teacher becomes concerned. Don't wait until interim reporting. The sooner the Plan is started, the more time the pre-service teacher has to address the issues.
A Student Action Plan can be enacted at any point during the placement.
If a pre-service teacher receives an "unsatisfactory" grade for their interim report, then a Student Action Plan must be enacted.
How to enact a Student Action Plan
- Download the Student Action Plan form (PDF file, 143.6 KB)
- Meet with the pre-service teacher and site coordinator. Together, complete the "Areas for Development" and "Suggested Strategies" section of the form. You can also include the university partner in this process if you wish.
- Choose a future date for a review with the site coordinator to asses the pre-service teacher's progress.
- Email a copy of the Student Action Plan to the university partner and the Professional Experience team at
- Before the review date, the pre-service teacher needs to complete the "Review and reflection" section of the Student Action Plan stating how they have addressed the issue.
- At the review meeting with the site coordinator, you will need to decide if the pre-service teacher has shown satisfactory improvement. If they have, continue with the placement as normal. If they have not shown satisfactory improvement, they will receive a failing grade on their final report.
Payment claim forms
Important tax information
Anyone who is claiming as a Supervising Teacher, Site Coordinator or for a group talk must submit a signed Tax File Declaration Form if:
- you have never submitted a claim with QUT
- your details have changed since you last submitted a TFD.
From 1 January 2020, all earnings, (Income Statement) will be available in your MY Gov account.
If you have any questions, please contact QUT Payroll Services at
All claims must be submitted via email to using the forms linked below. These forms can be completed electronically or downloaded and scanned for submission. Claims submitted via post or on old (outdated) forms will not be processed and returned for re-submission. Ensure you have answered every question, ticked all boxes and signed where requested.
- Site coordinator payment claim form (PDF file, 783.1 KB)
- Supervising teacher payment claim form (PDF file, 570.7 KB)
- International school payment claim form (PDF file, 140.1 KB)
- Group Talk payment claim form (PDF file, 169.6 KB)
Supervision and site coordination claims are governed by the relevant states' industrial agreements.
Supervising teacher payments
From 1 January 2022 new pay rates were introduced for Supervising Teachers. Any outstanding claims from January 1 to December 31 2021 will be paid at the 2021 rate of pay ($6.80/hour to a maximum of $34.00/day).
To claim for any Professional Experience placement, one claim form needs to be completed by each Supervising Teacher at the end of the Professional Experience. The agreed rate, Australia-wide, for supervision of preservice teachers from 1 January 2022 is $6.94 per hour/per preservice teacher with a maximum of 5 hours per day able to be claimed.
This means the maximum amount that can be claimed per preservice teacher per day is $34.70 (5 hours). Two or more supervising teachers may share supervision hours of a preservice teacher with the hours distributed amongst the supervising teachers. If supervision is split between two or more Supervising Teachers, they each receive their allocated portion. For example, two teachers each taking 50% of a supervising load would be able to claim $6.94 per hour for a half-day each equalling $17.35 per day for that preservice teacher. Each Supervising Teacher will submit a claim form for the same student with their claim information provided with the hours they are claiming. If a Supervising Teacher is claiming for more than one preservice teacher, then only one claim form needs to be submitted including details for all preservice teachers being claimed. Please note that lead-in days are not able to be counted in the claim as these days are unpaid.
If a Professional Experience does not continue for the full number of days, Supervising Teachers can only claim the days that they supervised preservice teachers (not the entire block of time).
In the event that more than the allocated hours are claimed for a preservice teacher, the claim form will be returned without payment. It is the responsibility of the Supervising Teacher(s) and Site Coordinator to ensure accurate forms are submitted for payment. If the situation occurs where one supervising teacher has already claimed the maximum hours for a preservice teacher, it is the responsibility of the Site Coordinator and Supervising Teachers to ensure this is worked out at a school level.
In order to ensure claims are processed in a timely manner, all forms must:
- be completed in full with all questions answered
- be signed by all required parties
- be in one document in either pdf or doc. (docx.) format; (jpeg and png will not be accepted).
- ensure that a Tax Declaration Form is completed and submitted.
Failure to meet these requirements will result in a re-submission of claims, delaying payment. Payments will be made into nominated bank accounts within a month of successful lodgement of claims.
Site coordinator payments
A site coordination allowance may be claimed by the host site coordinator for managing two or more QUT pre-service teachers or managing two or more supervising teachers. As per the Industrial Agreement, the claimable amount is $1.47 per student/per day.
Group talk payments
A claim for payment may be made by the site coordinator for formally meeting with two or more QUT pre-service teachers at the site. Topics for group talks might include site policies on behavior management, curriculum, legal issues, etc. As per the Industrial Agreement, the claimable amount is $12.28 per one hour talk. Group talk hours do not need to be deducted from a supervising teacher supervision hours.
Notice of payment
Once your claim has been processed by QUT Payroll, you will receive notification via email to the address listed on your claim form. We strongly encourage you to list your school/site email address on the form. Payments will usually be made within 30 days of the claim, and only made after the Professional Experience period has concluded.