About us

Our high-achieving graduates, advanced research and strong industry engagement puts us at the forefront of building a better future for our communities and healthcare systems.

Real Health Matters

We collaborate with industry, government, research partners and our alumni  to make a real difference to the health of our world.

Our researchers collaborate closely with government, not-for-profit organisations, international and national organisations, the private sector and the community to ensure our research addresses real health issues.

How to partner with us

A partnership with QUT’s Faculty of Health gives you connections to our research expertise, and opportunities to engage with our students. By partnering with us, you can tap into world-class facilities and researchers to support transformational research discoveries, and connect with the future health workforce.

Partner with us

About the faculty

We embrace a collaborative approach to improving the health of our nation, bridging the gap between science and better health through a focus on prevention, evidence, innovation and outcomes. Our vision is to empower people and communities to create a better future through health. We deliver on this vision through world-class teaching, practical learning and research innovation.

We provide high-quality learning and teaching experiences for students. Our courses are in high demand and provide graduates with job-ready, practical skills for the real world. Our students and staff have access to state-of-the-art teaching and learning spaces, including the QUT Health Clinics, which provide comprehensive clinical education to the next generation of healthcare professionals as well as quality patient care to the community.

We undertake transformative research that contributes to the improvement of human health. Our research engages with community partners, industry and government through partnerships and collaboration to deliver research outcomes that have real impact.

QUT Health Clinics

QUT Health Clinics provide real-world clinical education to the next generation of healthcare professionals and quality patient care to the community.

Our integrated services are delivered through discipline-specific clinics and through interprofessional programs. See our services page or the offerings below for more information.


Our students gain real-world experience at QUT Health Clinics and in virtual environments, simulation centres, and a number of cutting-edge laboratories and facilities.

Health research is conducted on QUT Kelvin Grove and Gardens Point campuses, as well as at the university’s distributed sites and co-located facilities. This provides QUT researchers with access to the professional support and world-class infrastructure and facilities they need to progress their work

News and events

25 Mar 2025

QUT research boosted with eight Accelerator grants

Eight QUT research teams have received more than $3.6 million in grants from the Australian Economic Accelerator Ignite program.

18 Mar 2025

QUT researchers bring their ‘A’ game to science festival

From AI, androids and automation to astronomy and Antarctica – QUT researchers are bringing their ‘A’ game to this year’s World Science Festival Brisbane.

18 Mar 2025

Qld sport boost: QUT becomes first gold tier member of AIS education network

QUT has become the first Australian university to be named a gold tier member of the Australian Institute of Sport’s new Elite Sport Education Network (ESEN).

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