Higher degree research (HDR) study in psychology and counselling

HDR students in the School of Psychology and Counselling undertake Doctor of Philosophy (PhD – IF49; 3 years full time) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil – IF80; 2 years full time) research training in a variety of topic areas, spanning cognitive, developmental, social and organisational, and mental health and clinical research projects. They use a diversity of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches, and many engage with external partners, to deliver impactful research that benefits individuals and the community. Our graduates go on to use their research and analytical skills in a variety of academic and professional careers, spanning universities and government and non-government sector organisations.

Current students

Michael Wong

Vicarious trauma and vicarious posttraumatic growth in social workers from diverse cultural backgrounds in Australia

The research aims to explore the lived experience of vicarious trauma and vicarious posttraumatic growth in social workers from multiple cultural backgrounds in Australia. This study will employ a qualitative longitudinal research (QLR) design, with two data collection points (T1 & T2) over nine to twelve months. A qualitative methodology, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), will be used to explore and provide detailed examinations of how the research participants from diverse cultural backgrounds make sense of their personal lived experiences of vicarious trauma and vicarious posttraumatic growth. The findings of this research can be used to inform programs and policies to support the wellbeing of multicultural social workers.

Principal supervisor:  Professor Jane Shakespeare-Finch

Associate supervisor:  Dr Michelle Newcomb

External supervisor:  Adjunct Professor Renata Meuter

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Catherine Kennon

Developing and validating a night-time driving hazard perception test: application of data-driven principles

Driving at night is challenging. At night-time, visibility is reduced, light-levels are low and glare from oncoming headlights causes discomfort. Older adults find night-time driving particularly challenging and are more vulnerable to injury and mortality when involved in road incidents. Despite these challenges, there are no validated methods for measuring driving ability and safety at night. One approach that has been used for daytime driving is the Hazard Perception Test (HPT), where performance is measured by the speed that drivers respond to hazards in videos, using pre-determined hazard specifications. HPT performance has been shown to correlate with driving ability and safety. This approach may be promising for assessing night-time driving and could be enhanced using objective scoring methods that do not rely on pre-defined specifications.  The primary aim of this research is to develop a novel night-time HPT to assess drivers' hazard perception abilities at night. The night-time HPT will be validated against other known predictors of hazard perception ability such as motion perception tests. A secondary aim is to investigate whether machine learning (ML) algorithms can be applied to objectively score the night-time HPT. This area of research will make a key contribution to understanding night-time driving safety, by providing a tool that can be used to provide an index of night-time driving ability and hence identify safe and unsafe drivers.

Principal supervisor:  Professor Joanne Wood

Associate supervisors:  Associate Professor Philippe Lacherez and Associate Professor Alex Black

External supervisor:  Alison McKendrick (University of Melbourne, Optometry and Vision Sciences)

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Sarah Olsson

Fear conditioning: The role of stimulus valence in return of fear

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorder. Exposure therapy is well-supported as an effective treatment, however, return of fear is common. Fear is acquired through Pavlovian classical conditioning and exposure therapy is based on the understanding of an inhibitory learning model. According to this model the initial learned conditioned stimulus (CS)/ unconditional stimulus (US) association is maintained in extinction, while a second inhibitory association is developed. This research aims to investigate the effect of post-extinction CS valence on return of fear. Therefore, it will further the understanding of the relationship between evaluative and fear conditioning.

Principal supervisor:  Professor Ottmar Lipp

Associate supervisor:  Dr Luke Ney

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Chris Cahill

Functional imagery training to build motivation for self-guided therapy for young people

Self-guided digital health interventions (DHIs) have the potential to deliver meaningful improvements for young Australians who often face higher rates of mental illness and barriers to traditional therapy compared with the general population. An individual's motivational state has been identified as a risk-factor in experimental studies and a common theme among participants who fail to engage with DHIs. Functional imagery training (FIT) is a promising new intervention that combines the client-centred counselling of motivational interviewing (MI) with multisensory imagery training to support motivation. My research investigates the utility of self-guided FIT as a motivational intervention for increasing young people's adherence to DHIs.

Principal supervisor:  Associate Professor Melanie White

Associate supervisor:  Dr Jennifer Connolly

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Danielle Villoresi

Understanding Self-Image and Compassionate Interpersonal Goal Adoption and Pursuit in Social Media Contexts

Interpersonal goals can shape behaviours and experiences on Social Networking Sites (SNSs). Compassionate interpersonal goals, focused on supporting others, and self-image interpersonal goals, aimed at conveying a desirable image, can lead to distinct SNS behaviours and well-being-related outcomes. This research investigates the factors influencing the adoption and pursuit of these goals within SNS contexts. Using an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design, four studies—starting with qualitative analysis and progressing to cross-sectional and experimental methods—identify key variables contributing to these goals. Findings are anticipated to enhance understanding of psychological processes underlying SNS behaviours, offering insights to promote healthier SNS use.

Principal supervisor: Dr Stephanie Tobin

Associate supervisor: A/Prof Trish Obst

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Mohamed Mubeen Tuan Faizer

Augmenting the prognostic utility of current methods of predicting persistent post-concussion symptoms (PPCS): Social cognitive and interoceptive impairments as possible predictors of PPCS

Persistent post-concussion symptoms are commonly encountered in clinical practice among patients following a mild-traumatic brain injury. Currently there is no established way of predicting which individuals are most at risk of developing persistent post-concussion symptoms after sustaining a mild-traumatic brain injury. Impaired interoceptive awareness and social cognition in the early phase following a mild-traumatic brain injury have been under-explored as predictors of functional recovery following mild-traumatic brain injury. Consequently, this research project will specifically examine the relationship between recovery trajectories and i) interoceptive awareness impairments and ii) social cognitive impairments among individuals with a diagnosis of mild-traumatic brain injury.

Principal supervisor:  Professor Karen Sullivan

Associate supervisor:  Dr Sherrie-Anne Kaye

External supervisor:  Associate Professor Liisa Laakso (Mater Research)

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Valeriya Tolkacheva

Cognitive and neural mechanisms for perceiving and misperceiving speech

Listeners can use prior knowledge to predict the content of noisy speech signals, enhancing perception. However, this process can also elicit misperceptions. This thesis aims to investigate how perception and misperception of degraded speech occur during the pop-out phenomenon, whether misperceptions during pop-out can also occur at the sentence level with highly spectrotemporally degraded speech, and whether particular cortical regions are involved in correct perceiving and misperceiving of degraded speech. A better understanding of language processing and its organization might aid in the improvement of neurorehabilitation therapies for people with hearing difficulties and aphasia.

Principal supervisor:  Professor Greig de Zubicaray

Associate supervisor:  Professor Katie McMahon

External supervisor:  Dr Sonia Brownsett (The University of Queensland, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences)

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Lauren Piltz

Exclusionary school discipline and justice system involvement: Identifying opportunities to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline

This project uses linked administrative records from education, justice, health, and community services to characterise the use of exclusionary school discipline practices within a large NSW population cohort, and to examine the relationship of disciplinary exclusion with different forms of justice system involvement. The project expects to deliver new information to inform policy makers, educators, criminologists, and psychologists regarding opportunities to avert the adverse outcomes of exclusionary discipline practices in Australian schools.

Principal supervisor:  Professor Kristin Laurens

Associate supervisor:  Professor Linda Graham

External supervisor:  Professor Melissa Green (University of NSW)

External supervisor:  Professor Kimberlie Dean (University of NSW)

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Yi Wang

Exploring different paradigms to strengthen extinction in human differential fear learning

Human differential fear conditioning is utilized to model and understand the mechanisms involved in exposure-based treatments for fear and anxiety disorders. During acquisition, participants are presented with two conditional stimuli (CSs), one (CS+) paired with an aversive unconditional stimulus (US) and a second (CS-) presented alone. Extinction, the repeated presentation of the CSs without the US, is the standard paradigm to reduce conditional responding that has been acquired following the repeated pairing of CS and US in acquisition. However, this reduction of conditional responding is prone to relapse. Gradual extinction, the fading out of CS-US pairings during extinction, has been shown to reduce the return of fear in rodents, but evidence from human research is mixed. The current study will investigate the effect the gradual extinction procedure in human fear conditioning, assess whether it reduces the return of fear, and what factors would contribute to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness in reducing the return of fear.

Principal supervisor:  Professor Ottmar Lipp

Associate supervisor:  Dr Luke Ney

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Tynneille Mulder

Emotion processing: Examining internal contextual influences on human facial expression recognition

Facial expressions play a vital role in interpersonal relationships and social interactions by conveying information on specific emotions. Emotional contexts across human facial expression recognition studies have considered an array of internal and external contextual variables. Typically, facial expressions are recognised faster and more accurately when contextual information is congruent with the emotion depicted in the expression in line with the perceiver's individual affective state (or mood). This research proposes to establish a mood induction procedure to investigate the influence of affective states on emotion perception. The project aims to address some of the inconsistencies presented in the literature and determine the mechanisms that mediate the influence of contextual information on facial expression recognition.

Principal supervisor:  Professor Ottmar Lipp

Associate supervisor:  Dr Stephanie Tobin

External supervisor:  Belinda Craig (Bond University (Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine)

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Sarah Ahamed

Developing predictive biomarkers for psychosocial and sleep deprivation stressors in healthy adults

This doctoral study is situated within the framework of the DSTG-funded Mind and Body Performance Patch Project. The primary objective of this research is to enhance the understanding of the impacts of acute stress in the context of psychosocial and sleep deprivation stressors, employing biological markers and assessments of cognitive performance.

Principal Supervisor:  Prof Karen Sullivan

Associate Supervisor: Prof Graham Kerr

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NameThesis Principal supervisor Associate supervisor
Alexandra AthertonChildcare workers and occupational injury risk: Application of system thinking models and methods Sharon NewnamNadine Brayley
Allan HuntImplicit privacy, explicit risks: Conceptualisations of personal information onlineKatherine WhiteCassandra Cross
Caity MacblundellSocial-emotional competencies in middle childhood protective factors against later school exclusion and health service useKristin LaurensDarren Wraith
Dave MissoDeveloping and testing a metacognitive relational narrative model for addressing the perpetration of domestic violence: A multidimensional feasibility studyPatricia ObstAreana Eivers
David WaughDevelopment, implementation and evaluation of a program to train and verify electrical safety competency of electrical workersSharon NewnamDavid Rodwell
Emma MaloneTherapists working with trauma exposed clients: Identifying and understanding expressions of vicarious traumaJane Shakespeare-FinchBrooke Andrew
Gia Nhi LamExploring fear generalisation and intrusive memories in analogue traumaLuke NeyDivya Deepak Mehta
Jasmin PatelThe neural basis of real-time perceptionHinze HogendoornOttmar Lipp
Jason PickardThe police perspective in responding to mental crises and the potential personal impactsEsben StrodlLuke Ney
Jessica HargreavesSalivary endocannabinoids as novel biomarkers of the stress responseLuke NeyOttmar Lipp
Julia De VriesThe unfolding of mental health problems across adolescence: A binational studyAdrian KellyAreana Eivers
Khalisa Amir HamzahNeurological and electrophysiological correlates of fear learning and intrusive memories in psychiatric disordersLuke Ney

Ottmar Lipp

Katie McMahon

Kobi EalesAssociative learning effects by temporal proximity and thematic relevance to an aversive outcomeLuke NeyOttmar Lipp
Marianne DyerAn investigation of the impact leadership factors have on the mental health of emergency service workersJane Shakespeare-FinchErin O'Connor
Melinda TickleStatistics anxiety and the willingness to study statistics at universityPhilippe LacherezKatherine White
Meryl HuntUsing systems thinking to understand the vulnerability of personal care workers and intervention to mitigate the risksSharon NewnamNadine Brayley
Min StewartExamining predictive coding in the hierarchy of visual perception using fast periodic visual stimulationNaohide YamamotoGraham Kerr
Minyi ChuExploring the relationship between dark personality traits and bystanders' behaviour in cyberbullying incidentsStephanie TobinMarilyn Campbell
Nicola BinksAn Australian study analysing the impact of depression trajectories for children with experiences of abuse and neglectAdrian KellyAreana Eivers
Peter RogersExamination of the impact of constructionist supervision on student learning and reflexivityAreana EiversJane Shakespeare-Finch
Preetika ChandExamining social factors to improve traumatic brain injury outcomes from acute medical care to long-term community integrationKaren SullivanBridget Abell
Rachel CookeGrief in paediatric palliative care: A conversation analytic study of communication between families and clinicians in medical consultationsStuart EkbergSusan Danby
Rebecca HalseyBarriers to participation in a health and wellbeing program for the transport and logistics industrySharon NewnamNadine Brayley
Ruoran FuReducing out-of-home food waste among young adults in ChinaKatherine WhitePatricia Obst
Ruqayya DawoodjeeDevelopmental patterns of brain dysfunction during error processing among adolescents at risk for schizophreniaKristin LaurensHinze Hogendoorn
Sabrina MoonajilinThe influence of social networks on young Bangladeshi women's excess body weightKatherine WhitePatricia Obst
Sarah FormanA phenomenological exploration into the experience of clinical supervision: A trauma informed approachZoe HazelwoodMichelle Newcomb
Shuang LiangInvestigating the role of nutrition, inflammation, and methylation in the pathogenesis of eating disordersEsben StrodlLynda Ross
Sophia Francesca ChuaBus driver occupational hazards and shiftwork in the PhilippinesSharon NewnamIoni Lewis
Susan SmithA collaborative, stepped, blended, patient-centred model of care for the mental health needs of cardiac surgery patients: Evidence, development and feasibilityEsben StrodlDavid Kavanagh
Yu QiInternational students’ video gaming behaviour and wellbeing during the transition to study in AustraliaErin O'ConnorDaniel Johnson
Zhicheng (Lydia) HuangThe neural basis of phonological processing in spoken word productionGreig de Zubicaray

Katie McMahon

Past students (since 2022)

YearNameThesis Principal supervisor Associate supervisor
2022Amina SadiaUnderstanding eating and drinking behaviours in Pakistani university studentsEsben StrodlNigar Khawaja
2022Anne OverellContextual expectancy, prior belief, and prediction error in early stage visual processingNaohide YamamotoPatrick Johnston
2022Elyse McNeilParenting couples' experiences of mental labour: how couples conceive, negotiate, share, and explain mental labour divisionAreana EiversBrooke Andrew
2022Emma WardWhat's in a verb? Insights from behavioural and neural investigations of action picture namingGreig de ZubicarayKatie McMahon
2022Holly SansoneThe interactional organisation of reassurance in telephone-based paediatric palliative careStuart EkbergSusan Danby
2022Kannan Singaravelu JaganathanFrom the laboratory to the community: A study exploring factors to make exercise for persistent post-concussion symptoms more accessibleKaren SullivanGraham Kerr
2022Kristen BakerExamining how attention and prediction modulate visual perception: a predictive coding viewNaohide YamamotoKristin Laurens
2022Pejman HoviatdoostUnderstanding mechanisms of change of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic PsychotherapyRobert SchweitzerRobert King
2023Alimila HayixibayiA social systems approach to understanding problematic internet use amongst adolescents in ChinaEsben StrodlAdrian Kelly
2023Benjamin LoweDissociating lower-level attribute-specific contextual expectation violations within the human visual systemNaohide YamamotoOttmar Lipp
2023Edwin Adrianta SurijahA longitudinal study of couple resilience in Indonesia: examining the role of risk, protective factors and positive adaption within romantic relationshipsIan ShochetKate Murray
2023Julie VermeirGamified Web-Delivered Attentional Bias Modification Training for the Management of Chronic PainMelanie WhiteDaniel Johnson
2023Matteo MascelloniCascaded activation and neuronal oscillations during speech productionGreig de ZubicarayKatie McMahon
2023Murray ReickPerspectives of life experiences held by parents of young adults with intellectual disability who share the family home: enduring strength from a labour of loveJane Shakespeare-FinchZoe Hazelwood
2023Priyanka  KomandurMetacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy for Bipolar Mood Disorders: A Pilot StudyRobert SchweitzerKate Murray
2023Stephanie DaleHow Do Adults Experience a Wellbeing-Through-Writing Program?Jane Shakespeare-FinchJill Franz
2024AJ GlazebrookEnhancing Posttraumatic Growth Through NeurofeedbackJane Shakespeare-FinchBrooke Andrew
2024Diana SimesA Qualitative Investigation of the Experience of Youth Suicide Intervention: Perceptions of Adolescents, Caregivers, and CliniciansIan Shochet

Kate Murray

Trish Obst

2024Emma CarpendaleMeasuring and Fostering Social-Emotional Competencies in Middle Childhood: An Australian Population Cohort StudyKristin LaurensSonia White
2024Emma-Lee SteindlLived Experiences of Music Therapy: Journeying with Practitioners and AdolescentsJane Shakespeare-FinchZoe Hazelwood
2024Khalisa Amir HamzahThe Neurosteroid Response to Stress: A Potential Treatment for PTSD and Contributor to Intrusive MemoriesLuke NeyOttmar Lipp
2024Matthew O'DonohueEffects of Musical Training on Audiovisual Integration in the Temporal and Spatial DomainsPhilippe LacherezNaohide Yamamoto
2024Michael RoscoePolice Officers' Memories of Induced Critical Incidents in a Training Program  
2024Olivia MillerThe Forgotten Frontline Service: A Mixed Method Exploration of Correctional Officer WellbeingJane Shakespeare-FinchDagmar Bruenig
2024Rachel PearceTheory of Mind, Coping Self-Efficacy and Social Behaviour in Autistic Children with Co-Occurring Anxiety: Associations and Implications for InterventionAdrian KellyMarilyn Campbell
2024Raniah Amir AlsairiYoung Urban Saudi Women’s Attitudes Towards Healthy Eating And Physical Activity: Applying A Health Belief Model (HBM) FrameworkTrish ObstKatherine White
2024Shereen MetryThe Relationship Between Faith in God, Resilience and Overall Mental Health Outcomes Among University Students in AustraliaEsben StrodlNigar Khawaja
2024Tiffany GutteridgeDistress and Functional Impairment Associated with Psychotic-Like Experiences and Co-Occurring PsychopathologyKristin LaurensAdrian Kelly
2024Vanda NissenHow Bilinguals and Monolinguals Understand and Talk About Uncertainty and Risk: An Exploration of Epistemic Modality in Healthcare ContextsRenata MeuterMichelle Riedlinger
2025Katherine McCullochExploring digital inclusion and intersectionality of multicultural multifaith LGBTIQ+ communities within Australian mental health websitesErin O'Connor

Michael Dezuanni

Kate Murray

ALPRs and HDR representatives

The Academic Lead, Postgraduate Research in the School of Psychology and Counselling manages research training opportunities for the school’s HDR students (including candidature approvals and milestone processes), and connects prospective students to supervisory teams. The current ALPRs are:

The HDR student representatives in the school provide peer support and advice to fellow HDR students, and represent student views to the school. The current HDR student representatives are: