Emelie Dahlskold, 6 December, 2023 | QUT data science student Emma Studerus studying from home
Future careers unlocked: Introducing QUT's data science vertical double degrees
The demand for professionals with unique problem-solving skills and data science expertise is soaring in today's job market. QUT stands at the forefront of this educational revolution, offering a range of new, exciting vertical double degrees that seamlessly integrate undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Starting in 2025, the Master of Data Analytics will be replaced with the Master of Data Science in all vertical double degree programs. During the transition period, the terms data analytics and data science may be used interchangeably in website and course content.
Information Technology + Data Science
Start date: February and July
Duration: 4 years full-time or 8 years part-time
Become a tech-savvy professional with a solid foundation in information technology, complemented by advanced skills in data science. With IT and data science expertise, you will be well-prepared for careers in areas such as big data management, cybersecurity, data systems development, business intelligence and artificial intelligence, where the ability to extract actionable insights from vast amounts of data is crucial.
Bachelor of Information Technology/Master of Data Science
Mathematics + Data Science
Start date: February
Duration: 4 years full-time or 8 years part-time
Graduate with a solid mathematical foundation and data science expertise, ready to tackle complex data science challenges with high precision. Combining mathematics and data science opens doors to research opportunities in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and algorithm development.
Bachelor of Mathematics/Master of Data Science
Science + Data Science
Start date: February and July
Duration: 4 years full-time or 8 years part-time
Combine scientific enquiry with data integration and become adept at extracting valuable insights from diverse datasets. Graduates of this vertical double degree are well-suited for interdisciplinary research roles and contribute to advancements in healthcare, environmental science, and the social sciences.
Bachelor of Science/Master of Data Science
QUT's vertical double degrees in data science provide graduates with a competitive edge in the evolving job market. As organisations increasingly recognise the value of data-driven decision-making, these degrees empower students to become versatile professionals capable of navigating the careers of the future.
If you're curious about combining innovation, problem-solving, and strategic thinking, these vertical double degrees are the gateway to exciting opportunities.