Hannah Rowe, 15 December, 2023
Take the plunge into a Games and Interactive Environment degree
Freya Sambain recently completed a Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments majoring in Game Design. QUT was the only university, ironically that she had not visited for open day, but she knew a technology-focused university in an equally young industry of Games and IT was where she needed to be. From secret projects with BMW to squashing stereotypes as a female in a traditionally male-orientated industry, Freya shares her highlights studying the Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments degree at QUT.
What made you choose to study game design?
I have been both a fervent writer and an enormous nerd for my whole life, having learned to read as a kid through the power of RPG game dialogue boxes. After I topped Queensland in 2020 for the ‘English and Literature Extension’ subject, I decided I needed to find a way to transfer my writing skills to a career, and I figured combining that with my affinity for technology through designing interactive technologies was an exciting avenue for me.
What made you choose QUT?
QUT was one of the only major universities in Brisbane and the Gold Coast that I had not visited for open days, but I knew a young, technology-focused institution unafraid of continually iterating coursework offerings to cater to the equally young industry of games and IT was where I needed to be.
What is your Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments highlight?
One of the biggest highlights of my studies was becoming a sessional academic tutor in my second year. Not only do I derive immense gratification from helping others, but teaching has also been a highly effective way to reinforce my own skills and knowledge, which will translate to my work in industry after I graduate.
The opportunities I’ve been provided through my engagement with life at QUT have been incredibly special. In 2022 I was invited to attend the 25th Anniversary ceremony of the Women in Technology Awards, and I’m currently working on a super-secret final year capstone project with BMW Group + QUT Design Academy. I often have meetings sitting next to a BMW M8 Competition Coupé. I love that car!
What’s your advice for young women thinking about a career in games and tech?
The games and IT industry needs more women, and the shift is slowly happening. Don’t be too intimidated by statistics of male domination in the industry - most of my close female friends are women in IT or games degrees here at QUT. With student clubs like Women in Technology backing us we aren’t going anywhere, so take the plunge, get involved with other girls in game development, and see how strong our community can be.
If you could go back and tell your year-12 self one thing, what would that be?
The narrative that creative pursuits are professionally and financially futile is an absolute lie. Combining your unique creative passions with a solid foundation of technical design and/or development skills can open doors you didn’t know even existed.
I never took any IT or design classes in high school - I was a chemistry and biology student! I thrived in web development and Photoshop projects in middle school, but then in Year 10 I pivoted to exam-heavy science subjects because I had preconceived notions of what skills and knowledge could be translated into a ‘real career’.
Never ignore what you’re good at or what you enjoy in favour of what you think will get you a better job. The real world is massive, complex, and diverse and there are niches everywhere for you to find, and there’s a reason QUT promotes itself based on its connection to that ‘real world’.
2024 Games and Interactive Design Majors
Student Games Showcase
Explore real QUT student projects and see their game design visions brought to life.