Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000
Government legislation that covers all international students studying in Australia on a student visa.
Effective Full-Time Student Unit (EFTSU)
A unit's value in relation to the standard annual load for a particular course. The university sets the standard load. For example, the standard annual load for the Bachelor of Business is 96 credit points.
Elective units
Units that are not part of the mandatory requirements for a course. Elective units can be taken in some courses to fulfil the requirements for that course.
Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCOE)
Enrolment confirmation issued to international students by the university for the purpose of applying for a student visa.
Eligibility score
As determined by QUT, it is the lowest score at which any domestic Commonwealth-supported student may be considered eligible for an offer of a place in a course, excluding special entry. For 2011, QUT's eligibility score for all undergraduate courses is: OP 15 , Rank 70. (Being eligible does not guarantee admission to a course).
See sanction.
English as an additional language (EAL)
Applies to a student whose first language is not English.
English Language Program (ELP)
An English language course offered by QUT, e.g., General English, English for Academic Purposes.
When a student formally registers in units of study and pays associated fees.
Enrolment period
Used when a student enrols in a time-based course. An enrolment period may overlap several teaching periods. These time periods will be two 6-monthly teaching periods (1 January to 30 June and 1 July to 31 December).
Enrolment Transaction Advice (ETA)
A report showing a student's current enrolment and changes to enrolment.
Equivalent Full-Time Student Load (EFTSL)
A measure of the annual study load of a student undertaking a course on a full-time basis.
A unit that is significantly similar to, or overlaps content with, another unit offered at QUT. Equivalents are similar to anti-requisites and students cannot enrol in them.
A web interface, integrated with HiQ, that allows you to self-manage a range of your academic and administrative activities, for example enrolment, student fees and classes.
Exchange program
An exchange that is covered by a formal agreement between QUT and an overseas higher education institution.
Refusal of re-enrolment, as outlined in the student rules, due to:
  1. unsatisfactory progress in a course following a period of probation
  2. academic dishonesty
  3. misconduct
See advanced standing.
External student
A student who is enrolled at QUT but studies off-campus (via correspondence or the internet). See also attendance mode.
External studies
Study conducted off-campus (e.g., via correspondence or the internet).


A formal grouping of academic programs, schools, discipline areas and research centres.
A loan scheme to help eligible non-Commonwealth supported students pay their tuition fees.
FEE-HELP limit
The maximum amount of tuition fees that a student can receive a FEE-HELP loan for over their lifetime.
Fee-paying student
A domestic student who is not Commonwealth supported and must pay fees.
QUT administers tuition fees and higher education contributions in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cwth) (HES Act). The university may impose fees and charges for enrolment, services and facilities. There may be different fees and charges for different categories of students. See section E/7.1 of the Manual of Policies and Procedures.
Field Positions (FPs)
Indicate a Year 12 student's rank order position based on overall achievement in authority subjects in up to five fields, e.g., written expression and numeracy skills.
Field trip
An off-campus learning activity that may involve observation and/or skill development to further students’ understanding of content, methodology, or research in a real-world situation.
Financial activity statement
A statement of financial transactions for a student within a given date range.
Financial penalty
The fee applied when a student fails to withdraw from a unit by the published cut-off dates. See also withdrawal without financial penalty (WWFP).
Flexible delivery
A combination of study types offered as an alternative to on-campus study. This can consist of a combination of distance education, on-campus workshops and/or intensive block studies.
A collection of personal, artistic or other work demonstrating a student's capabilities. It is used for admission to some QUT courses, e.g., fashion design, creative writing.
Foundation course
A pathway program offered by the QUT International College (QUTIC).
Full-time student
A student who enrols and attends university for at least 75% of the normal full-time program of study.
Funding cluster
One of eight clusters of disciplinary areas that encompass all units of study. Funding clusters are used to determine Commonwealth contributions for a place and the maximum student contributions for a place.


Grade Point Average (GPA)
A numerical index which summarises a student's academic performance in a single semester and/or over the duration of a student's enrolment in the course. It is the average of the student's results weighted by the unit value of each subject. See section C/5.2.7 of the Manual of Policies and Procedures.
A student who has completed all of the requirements for their program but has not been formally awarded the degree.
A student who has completed all of the requirements for their program and has formally been awarded the degree. A student graduates on the official graduation/conferral date set for their program whether they attend the ceremony or not.
Graduate diploma
A graduate/postgraduate award requiring one year of full-time or equivalent part-time study.
Graduate entry
Programs which are open only to students who have already completed another tertiary qualification (usually a bachelor degree).
Graduate Research Centre
The Graduate Research Centre provides administrative support to higher degree research (HDR) candidates and their supervisors. This includes:
  • admissions and enrolment
  • scholarships
  • candidature management
  • thesis examinations
  • research training.
Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)
A standardised test in mathematics and English language for admission to graduate business studies.
Guided self-paced learning
A learning activity that provides the opportunity to discuss, debate, collaborate and reflect on learning, primarily online in students’ own time, guided and supported by teaching staff.


See QUT Handbook.
Head of School
A member of the academic staff responsible for the teaching, research and administration of a particular school. Heads of School report to the Executive Dean.
Health clinic
A learning activity where students apply professional and practical understanding by observing and treating patients or clients in real-world health clinical practice settings.
A division that categorises and weighs a unit within the overall course of study to determine unit fees.
A scheme to help eligible Commonwealth supported students pay their student contributions through a loan.
Higher Degree by Research (HDR)
A postgraduate program based on scholarly or scientific investigation or inquiry.
Higher Education Information Management System (HEIMS)
An electronic information system that provides students and higher education providers with a range of relevant information, such as the availability and usage of Commonwealth assistance by students and information on program management reporting.
Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP)
A loan program to help eligible students pay student contributions (HECS-HELP), tuition fees (FEE-HELP) and overseas study expenses (OS-HELP).
Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA)
Commonwealth legislation which governs student financial support policies.
The first point of contact (face-to-face, or via phone, email or chat) for students, staff and the wider community to get information about courses, university processes, and technology support and library support. See also Research Students Centre.
HiQ site
The main website for QUT students to manage their studies online and access key tools and applications.
Honours degree
Awarded to students who have a record of high achievement in their basic degree. Involves an additional year of full-time study, or its equivalent.