National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR)
A government organisation that provides advice on how Australian and overseas qualifications compare, to help overseas qualified people study and work in Australia.
National priority areas
Study areas for which the Commonwealth offers additional assistance, either through offering additional places, increasing Commonwealth contributions or reducing the maximum student contribution amounts for a place. Currently, education and nursing are the national priority areas.
Non-award studies
A unit or group of units that a student undertakes at the university that are not part of an award course of QUT.  See section C/3.3 of the Manual of Policies and Procedures.
Non-Commonwealth supported student
See fee-paying student.


Off plan study packages
Study Packages (i.e., units, majors etc) that have been deleted from a student's current/active Study Plan. Such Study Packages will no longer display in the Study Plan window, but they can be viewed in the Student Study Package search window. All study packages will be shown on the academic history.
An invitation made to a prospective student to enrol in a course of study.
See Student Ombudsman.
Oodgeroo Unit
A QUT body that actively recruits Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students into QUT courses. The Unit also offers academic and personal support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
OP Guarantee
A QUT initiative that guarantees an offer of a place in most of QUT's courses in the January offer round for applicants who receive an OP 1-5 (or an entry rank of 93 or better), regardless of the selection rank for that course.
Overall Position (OP)
Indicates a current Queensland Year 12 student's state wide rank order position based on overall achievement in authority subjects. The OP rank may be used to assess eligibility for admission to undergraduate courses. From 2020, Queensland Year 12 students will also be ranked using the ATAR. Until 2019, however, Queensland ranked Year 12 students using the Overall Position (OP) measure.
Overseas Higher Education Loan Program (OS-HELP)
A Commonwealth Government loan scheme that provides financial assistance to eligible undergraduate students wishing to undertake part of their course of study overseas.
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
Compulsory health insurance that is purchased by international students for the duration of their study in Australia.


Part-time student
A student who attends university for less than 75% of a standard full-time credit point load.
An alternative means of gaining entrance to university, including recognition of prior learning or life experience.
A learning activity where students practically demonstrate understanding, skill, technique, or competence informed by feedback from workshops, studios, rehearsals or other prior learning.
Doctor of Philosophy. See higher degree by research.
Representing another person's ideas or work as one's own by copying or reproducing without appropriate acknowledgment of the source. See also academic dishonesty and cheating. See section C/5.3 of the Manual of Policies and Procedures.
A small window that displays a specific set of information.
Postgraduate course
A course of study leading to an award of graduate certificate, graduate diploma, master's degree, professional doctorate or doctor of philosophy. Postgraduate study usually requires successful completion of an undergraduate degree or equivalent learning as a minimum entry requirement.
Potentially complete
When a student's status has been set to 'completion approved', and they have enrolled in their final unit, the student's status will be potentially complete.
A learning activity or assessment that replicates a real-world situation. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate a professional and practical understanding of the discipline.
Practicum (prac)
Part of a course or study designed to develop practical skills or to demonstrate the practical foundation of a theory.
Predecessor institutions
Former institutions which have merged over time into QUT.
Preparatory studies
A study program which, if completed successfully to the specified level, meets entry requirements for a formal university course.
Preregistration course
Designed for people to gain a degree level qualification to satisfy registration requirements of professional bodies (e.g., Queensland Nursing Council).
A unit that must be successfully completed (or the student must have advanced standing or exemption) before attempting another unit. Students may be enrolled in the post-requisite, provided that they have already enrolled in the prerequisite in an earlier teaching period.
A 6-month academic status applied to students whose performance is unsatisfactory. During that time, an academic sanction is placed on their record and the student receives written advice to consult with faculty about an agreed enrolment program. If performance continues at an unsatisfactory level the student may be excluded.
Oversees the five faculties, is responsible for academic policies and programs, and chairs the university's Teaching and Learning Committee.
Professional membership
Professional organisations, associations, institutes and societies that a student or a graduate of a particular program may be qualified to join.


Q-Step program
A program that gives special consideration to people from low-income backgrounds who are entering QUT's undergraduate courses. Assistance through Q-Step may be given to both Year 12 school-leavers and non school-leaver applicants who can show that their education has been disadvantaged by their financial circumstances.
QTAC code
A code allocated to courses offered through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).
Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
Issued by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) to eligible students when they complete the senior phase of learning, usually at the completion of Year 12.
Queensland Core Skills Test (QCS)
A state-wide test for Year 12 students and private candidates that is based on common elements of the Queensland senior curriculum. It must be taken to be eligible for an OP and FPs.
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA)
The government body that provides Kindergarten to Year 12 syllabuses, guidelines, assessment, reporting, testing and certification services for Queensland schools.
Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC)
The body that acts on behalf of universities and TAFE institutes to receive and process applications, make offers, and publish course information and requirements.
The number of student places available in a course.
QUT Blackboard
A web-based system for accessing your course learning materials.
QUT Guild
A service organisation operated for the benefit of the student body. Students enrolled in an award course are usually members of the Guild. The Guild offers a range of support services and operates some campus facilities.
QUT Handbook
The authoritative version of courses and units published at the beginning of every year. The Handbook also contains Student Rules and policies and procedures.
QUT Information Services (QIS)
See HiQ.
QUT College
Provides pathway programs for domestic and international students. Course options include Foundation programs, University Certificates, University Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates and English language courses.
QUT Virtual (QV)
See HiQ site.
An online payment service where students can pay for tuition fees, optional goods and services, and other university-related debts in a single transaction. Students can pay by credit card, phone pay, BPay and via Australia Post.