What is the information asset register?
Our information asset register is a formal inventory of our information assets. The register is a summary of the information we collect and hold to conduct our business. Making this register available helps us to meet our obligations as a public university.
Student information
Student recruitment (domestic and international) prospective students
Personal details of prospective domestic and international students (e.g., name, mobile phone number, email address, educational qualifications held). Prospective student online behaviours and response to marketing.
Note: Excludes non-award courses.
Student recruitment (international) agent management
Records relating to agents who recruit international students and their management.
Student admissions
Information relating to direct and agency (QTAC) admission processes and advanced standing processes.
Study plan
Student enrolment, academic support for students, academic calendars.
Student class registration
Student records relating to classes, timetables, teaching staff.
Student financial management
Details relating to payment of fees and charges, invoices, student debt and sponsorships.
Student academic progression
Information relating to planning examination resources, developing examination timetables, processing student results and monitoring student performance.
Student communication
Records relating to student communication channels and processes.
Note: Does not include the personal details of students who were sent the communications.
Completions and graduations
Information relating to student's study records, course and unit achievement, and managing student prizes and awards. Information about student conferral, graduation eligibility and graduation ceremony.
Note: Faculties hold additional supporting information in the area of student prizes.
Student engagement activities
Records relating to domestic and international student support and development programs including internships, volunteering, leadership and involvement in various student groups and related grants schemes.
Note: Faculties hold additional supporting information in the area of student scholarships and bursaries.
Student grievances and complaints
Records relating to student grievances and complaints and the outcomes of matters referred to the Student Ombudsman.
Information about learning spaces with teaching activities, ad hoc bookings in all the central spaces and using the data for utilisation reports on all spaces (central and faculty).
Central scholarships
Information relating to applications, assessments, offers and payments for centrally administered or supported scholarships.
Student academic integrity
Information relating to a student’s compliance with academic integrity training including when the training was commenced and successfully completed.
Student academic integrity cases
Information in relation to academic integrity reports and individual cases where breaches have occured.
Student support services
Records relating to domestic and international student support and development matters including use of student support services (in areas of health, disability, financial associations, personal counselling).
Note: Faculties hold additional supporting information in the areas of student scholarships and bursaries.
Learning and teaching information
Curriculum items
Curriculum information for award and non-award offerings. Record of approval of non-award study, award courses and post-nominals, study areas, unit outlines and offerings.
Note: Faculties store additional information relating to external professional accreditation of the curriculum and hold the role of Data Administrator role for these records.
Learning and teaching development resources and records
Detailed documents, processes, records, and resources associated with curriculum design, delivery and management of the Framework for Development in Learning and Teaching including Foundational Learning, Real Time Learning Modules, Leading Learning Modules, and Discipline-Led Learning Modules and Teaching Advantage. As well as records of participation and completion and historic data and resources relating to the Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Sessional Staff Development, Teaching Advantage, and Pathways to Teaching Excellence.
Work Integrated Learning
Records relating to student learning through engagement with industry and community partners in activities that are planned for and assessed as part of their course.
Note: The collection and storing of this information is distributed across the faculties.
Third party and partnership provisioning for online learning
Information relating to online courses such as QUT Online, short online courses and modules. Including financial, student and summary curriculum information.
QUT's internal evaluation of units and teaching dataset
Records of evaluation of units, teaching and the student learning experience, including information gathered from surveys such as the Student Voice Survey, Unit Exit Survey, Educator Voice Survey (EVS), Expert Peer Review of Educational Practice (ExPREP) reports, student focus groups and historic surveys (including Insight, Spot and Pulse).
QUT Business School quality accreditation
A dataset of qualitative and quantitative data from different sources, used to support QUT Business School’s international accreditations process with key Business School Accreditation agencies: AACSB (US), EQUIS (Europe) and AMBA (UK for MBAs only).
Library learning resources and services
Information about library resources and services that support using the library and provide learning and teaching support.
Information resources (Library collection)
Records relating to the acquisition, licensing, access and use of the library’s print, online and digital collections. Also includes copyright management activities as required by the Copyright Agency.
Curriculum learning and assessment resources
Learning, assessment, information and resources made available for award and non-award learning through modules, units, courses and programs. These resources are provisioned to learners through a range of platforms including the core Learning Management Systems (Canvas) or other learning platforms (Echo360 or Turnitin). They may be provisioned by QUT or other third-party providers in partnership with QUT.
Student interactions, assessment artefacts and outcomes
Information includes students’ interactions online (eg time taken to do assessment, when last logged on, comments posted into discussion boards etc), learning artefacts and assessment produced by students and any assessment results and feedback.
Results of national and international surveys on student experience and graduate outcomes
Outcomes of externally conducted national and international surveys, carried out to assess student experience at QUT, graduate outcomes and employer satisfaction with QUT graduates. Includes QILT surveys, including Student Experience Survey, Graduate Outcomes Surveys and Employer Satisfaction Survey and the International Student Barometer.
Student learning support and development
Records relating to domestic and international student support and development matters including learning support (STEM and language), retention, career counselling and development services, student leadership and peer programs (including Internships).
ATD: Time based authorisation of unit teaching roles
ATD records which academics were approved in a unit teaching role during a specific time period.
Research information
Research project establishment
Identification of opportunities; capability identification; needs identification; industry engagement; business development; application; proposal; project and budget development; award; contract negotiation; risk assessment; approvals; access to facilities, infrastructure, resources; account establishment.
Conduct of research
Research outcomes; confidentiality; materials transfer; publication; embargo; compliance; financial management; resource management; client management; project management; reporting.
Research ethics and integrity
Research application documentation for ethics; biosafety; information relating to management of concerns or complaints relating to breaches of the QUT Code for Responsible Conduct of Research; information relating to permit approvals for trade controls, biosafety, and research ethics.
Research contract management
Administrative and financial reporting; manage contracts, milestones, compliance; external reporting.
Intellectual property
Intellectual property identification, disclosure, management; commercialisation; postgraduate student assignment, QUT Bluebox innovation and knowledge transfer.
Research engagement
Consultancy, continuing professional education, corporate award courses, conferences, international projects.
Research reporting
Corporate data about research, internal and external reporting, government reporting, faculty performance, researcher performance, publications collection.
Research infrastructure funding
Application, internal and external funding, reporting, management, access, asset management.
HDR student management
Recruitment, application, candidature management, admissions, enrolments, milestones, confirmation, fees, policies, guidelines, scholarships, grants, supervisors, research training, grievances, misconduct, thesis, examination, awards, support, research students.
Library research resources
Information resources to aid the discovery and promotion of QUT research outputs and to support QUT researchers engaged in publishing open access scholarly journals.
Facilities management information
Physical infrastructure
Records relevant to physical buildings and infrastructure and their maintenance including grounds maintenance and cleaning services.
Integrated transport services - mail and courier
Records relating to mail and courier services at QUT.
Commercial operations
Agreement records (leases/licences) where QUT is either the lessee or lessor.
Space management
Management of all physical spaces, including the space audit.
Security management
Information about security infrastructure and services (e.g. security staff, security systems, building evacuation, emergency control organisation [ECO] training and CCTV).
Integrated transport services - parking and vehicles
Information about parking, carpark spaces, permits, infringements, parking equipment, fleet vehicles and the inter-campus 391 bus.
Building projects and works
Records of major building projects and minor works.
Physical infrastructure - energy and emissions
Information in relation to the Energy Monitoring System (EMS) which monitors and records energy consumption on buildings and major equipment at Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove campuses, as well as the National Greenhouse Energy Reporting (NGER) focusing on energy consumption and emissions to report to the statutory (NGER).
Financial management information
Corporate financials
Data relating to financial transactions, results and reporting, income, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity. Data relating to financial policies and procedures, registers, stock takes, procurement, contract management, motor vehicles, leasing, Cabcharge, customs, taxation, financial systems and projects.
Budgeting, costing, pricing and management reporting
Data relating to budget management and management reporting, student load management, QTAC admission offer rounds, financial modelling, strategy and forecasting and the QUT financial model.
Governance, strategy and policy information
Committees management
Records of committee management and support including minutes, agendas, meeting schedules, and electronic ballots for committee membership.
Note: Faculties and the QUT College store additional information relating to faculty academic board committees and the QUT College Academic Board and hold the role of data administrator for these records.
Corporate records management
Information relating to retention and disposal schedules, classification schemes, space management and recordkeeping guidelines Assessment excludes records held in QRecords and their associated metadata.
Policy and procedure
Details relevant to policy development and promotion of policy.
Legislative compliance
Information relating to the Register of Compliance obligations and Register of Licences.
Audit and assurance
Information relating to auditing and assurance, including audit/review and investigation planning, workpaper and report documents and data. As well as data presented in audit data analytics dashboards.
Integrated institutional operational planning framework
Information relating to QUT strategy, institutional operational plan (IOP), university level objectives, university level actions and annual reporting on the IOP identifying priorities, objectives, actions and progressive achievement of QUT Strategy.
Corporate performance
Information relating to Institutional Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) including selection, definitions, targets, and performance reports to senior management.
Quality assurance
Information relating to re-registration with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as a registered higher education provider, and the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) as a registered provider. This information informs the National Register of Higher Education Providers, maintained by TEQSA. Information relating to compliance with TEQSA's Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF).
Corporate reviews
Information relating to the Corporate Reviews Framework including procedures, documentation, outcomes and progress reports.
Risk management
Information relating to risk management, risk assessments, workshops, meetings including the Risk Management Advisory Group and reporting.
Business continuity management
Information relating to business continuity management, business continuity plans, system recovery plans, workshops and reporting.
Strategic intelligence and reporting information
University reporting
Information relating to strategic, operational and tactical reporting and analysis at QUT. Includes data from multiple source systems.
Rankings data and evidence
Information collected for provision to rankings agencies. Includes statistical information, contact lists and evidence of activity.
Uniforum university benchmarking dataset
Records relating to QUT's staffing, financial expenditure and revenue, organisational structure, courses and student numbers submitted annually to UniForum for benchmarking and comparisons of efficiency of university divisions and supporting operations. Includes high-level indicators from other universities that participate in the UniForum process.
Information technology support information
Communication and collaboration
Details of the different media and channels made available to staff and students for communication and collaboration, including staff email and calendar; student email; call centre and telephony; instant messaging, voice, and video conferencing; desktop sharing; wiki; meeting collaboration and service portfolio management. Also, the records of who is using these and how for person to person, person to group, and group to group communication and collaboration.
Details of physical objects that support systems and services provided to staff and students university-wide (i.e. the 'hard' infrastructure), including internet access, QUT's core network, wireless access, server and storage management, as well as physical data centre facilities.
Learning and teaching data
Records relating to computing and audio-visual infrastructure in lecture theatres, teaching areas and learning spaces (i.e. the hardware), as well as the recordings of lectures and seminars.
Identity and access
Personal information about staff and students and their ID cards, accounts, passwords, and authentication management which facilitates their physical access to rooms, lifts, buildings and car parks; and electronic access to systems and services. Also the records of individuals' physical and electronic access to buildings and other parts of QUT's estate, systems and services.
Note: The personal information stored is personally identifiable information.
Security incident and event management (SIEM) system
Security event logging information related to the QUT information technology environment.
Technology procurement
Information relating to QUT's technology contract register and the definitive software library.
Technology support and managed operating environments
Information relating to IT or technology help, technology support, and software and hardware support.
Enterprise architecture
Information relating to a portfolio of QUT’s corporate systems and applications (including the Corporate Systems Register) which is often aggregated from multiple IT management systems.
Human resources information
Workforce strategy
Records relating to organisational structure, staff satisfaction and workforce planning.
Records relating to recruitment and advertising for positions, applications, staff selection process, employment checks, evidence of previous qualifications, appointments, provide recruitment advice and information relating to the relocation and removal of appointees.
Employee records
Records relating to employee salary and payroll information, banking and tax file information, salary packaging, personal details, staff leave, casual staff, superannuation and separation information.
Performance planning and development
Records relating to staff performance agreements, promotion plans, nominations, honours and recognition schemes, promotion for academic staff, and job evaluations for professional and senior staff.
Workplace health, safety and environment
Records relating to workplace health, safety and environment, incidents and investigations, claims, work cover, rehabilitation, chemicals, audits, inspections, training, HSE policy and procedures, licenses, risk assessments, radiation dose records.
Policy and workplace relations
Records relating to enterprise agreements, HR policies and practices, employee relations, equity, grievances and complaints, and industrial issues affecting individual staff.
Alumni, development and engagement information
Information and records of QUT Alumni personal details (names, addresses, employers, relationships etc.); details of communications (ass and one-one), engagement/interaction with QUT's Alumni and Corporate Events and Advancement Offices and across faculties, institutes and divisions. This also includes QUT staff who qualify as alumni under the QUT Alumni Statute. In addition, financial information such as philanthropic giving history and net worth of some individuals is available.
Student mobility
Personal details of inbound and outbound students studying at QUT and overseas (e.g. name, date of birth, email address, study preference). Records relating to agents and their management.
International partner agreements
Records relating to agreements with partner universities and organisations overseas.
Information about philanthropy, donations and giving to QUT, donors and prospective donors, their details and interactions with QUT, including QUT staff who donate to QUT.
QUT partnerships
Information relating to the university's corporate partners' philanthropic and engagement activities.
QUT Precincts (Old Government House and operational)
Information about Old Government House including historical information.
QUT Precincts (art collection)
Information about QUT's art collection.
QUT Venues and event management
Information and data related to internal and external users and stakeholders of QUT events and venues, marketing and public relations.
Marketing, media and communications information
QUT corporate website
Information about marketing (including course marketing), external communications and public relations.
Brand and Creative Studio (images and consent forms)
Two types of information assets are stored: 1. Images of QUT staff and non-QUT staff produced for marketing purposes. 2. 'Consent for use of image and personal information forms' signed by non-QUT staff. Sometimes consent forms are accompanied by 'How do you identify' forms where people nominate tags that can appear alongside their image, e.g. female, male.
Intranet (Digital Workplace/HiQ website) and QUT/HiQ app
Secure information portal for students and staff to support study and work at QUT. Details of aspects of university life and the resources, including staff, that support it. The primary information repository for helpful information about working and studying at QUT for both staff and students.
Social media
QUT social media account passwords.
QUT enquiry management
Online knowledge base allowing staff and students to ask and find information, including a FAQ section and an enquiry management function to record, track and manage queries submitted electronically.
Health information
Allied Health clinic administrative non-client data
Information relating to clinic facilities (rooms, equipment, disciplines/clinics. Appointment types, standard forms, operating policies, procedures and work instructions.
Allied health clinic administrative client data
Information relating to identifiable personal data and other identifiers such as Medicare number, health fund membership number, concession card details and consent for their information to be accessed for research purposes.
Allied health clinic administrative finance data
Information relating to personal financial details, QUT account details, clinical provider number and daily banking reconciliations.
Allied health clinic client clinical record data
Information relating to personally identifiable data including referrals, notes, observations, client reported information, appointment history, treatment summaries, billing information including item codes and payment/claim details. Aggregated reports include diagnostic data such as test results, diagnostic imagery and accompany reports, clinical photography and images, vital signs and measurements and diagnoses.
Allied health clinic client paper records
Information recorded in hard copy, relating to personally identifiable data including referrals, notes, observations, client reported information, appointment history, treatment summaries, billing information including item codes and payment/claim details. Aggregated reports include diagnostic data such as test results, diagnostic imagery and accompany reports, clinical photography and images, vital signs and measurements and diagnoses.
QUT Medical Centre client clinical records
Information relating to client personal information including patient details, Medicare, insurance and concession information, as well as consent for patient information to be accessed for research purposes. Consultation information, client reported information, appointment history, treatment summaries, billing information, prescriptions, results and identifiable diagnostic imagery is also included.
QUT Medical Centre client clinical paper records
Information recorded in hard copy, relating to client personal information including patient details, Medicare, insurance and concession information, as well as consent for patient information to be accessed for research purposes. Consultation information, client reported information, appointment history, treatment summaries, billing information, prescriptions, results and identifiable diagnostic imagery is also included.
QUT Medical Centre administrative client data
Information in relation to personally identifiable client data including Medicare, insurance and concession card details, and consent for information to be disclosed to third-parties.
QUT Medical Centre administrative non-client data
Information in relation to clinic facilities, rooms, equipment, appointment types, standard forms, operating policies, procedures and work instructions.
QUT Medical Centre administrative finance data
Information in relation to bank account details, QUT account details, clinical provider numbers and daily banking reconciliations.
Curated data and information
MDM Golden Person
Information related to 'mastered' data from multiple university data sources that describe 'people'. A single source of truth for information regarding individuals at the university.
Unauthenticated public information
QUT Ecoacoustics
Information in relation to the QUT Ecoacoustics anonymous SharePoint site which operates as a repository for open access content or resources used in public facing lessons, tutorials, documentation, and/or workshops. This site is also used for the dissemination of public access research data.
QUT Corporate partnerships
Information in relation to the QUT Corporate Partnerships anonymous SharePoint site which operates to share imagery from QUT events with stakeholders and attendees.
QUT Student recruitment content
Information in relation to domestic student recruitment information that is shared via an anonymous SharePoint site, with key external audiences to the university including secondary school parents/guardians, school guidance officers and principals.
MERF External
Information in relation to the QUT Medical Engineering Research Facility SharePoint site which operates to share non-confidential information such as directions to the facility, delivery instructions etc.
QUT College Study Tours
Information pertaining to the anonymous SharePoint site which operates to share information pertaining to pre-arrival communications for students who will join wither QUT College Study Tours or a QUT College General English class, as well as imagery and rich content of study tour activities to share with partner universities as required.
School of Biomedical Sciences – Metabuli GTDB 207
Information in relation to the QUT School of Biomedical Sciences – Metabuli GTDB 207 SharePoint site which operates to share non-sensitive information and files for publications not created at QUT.
School of Biomedical Sciences – Bin Chicken Supplementary Data
Information in relation to the QUT School of Biomedical Sciences – Bin Chicken Supplementary Data SharePoint site which operates to share data in relation to microbial genomic sequences in in relation to ibises (bin chickens).