QUT is committed to working in partnership with the Australian Government to improve higher education outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students through the delivery of the Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP). The ISSP commenced in January 2017 and provides supplementary funding to universities to support Indigenous Australians to meet the demands of university and succeed.

Through ISSP universities can offer scholarships, tutorial assistance, mentoring, safe cultural spaces and other support services. The flexibility of the ISSP assists universities to tailor their services to match student needs.

The Australian Government requires universities to provide an annual Performance Report and Financial Acquittal and to publish them on the university website.

ISSP 2022 Performance Report and Financial Acquittal

ISSP 2021 Performance Report and Financial Acquittal

ISSP 2020 Performance Report and Financial Acquittal

ISSP 2019 Performance Report and Financial Acquittal

ISSP 2018 Performance Report and Financial Acquittal

ISSP 2017 Performance Report and Financial Acquittal