We are committed to an equitable and fair study and work environment.

If you make a complaint or raise a concern, we will respect your choices about how to proceed where possible, balanced against:

  • the nature of the concern
  • our obligation to protect the well being and safety of our community
  • our need to comply with legal obligations and our duty of care.

If you believe someone is in immediate danger or a life threatening situation call emergency services on triple zero (000) first. If they are on a QUT campus, call QUT Security (3138 8888) after notifying emergency services.

Policies and procedures for raising a concern

We are committed to promoting a harmonious, fair and just learning environment for staff and students. The resources below outline the avenues available to staff, students and members of the public for raising concerns.

Complaints and grievances

We may not be able to take action rising from anonymous complaints in certain circumstances including where:

  • there is limited or no information available to identify the parties involved
  • we can't take action in accordance with the principles of natural justice or procedural fairness.

If you are not a QUT student or staff member and your complaint does not fall within any of the policies listed above you can submit a complaint by emailing complaints@qut.edu.au

Discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault and domestic and family violence

Disclosures, reports or complaints about discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault or domestic and family violence can be made to our Harassment and Discrimination Advisers in QUT Equity by emailing discriminationadviser@qut.edu.au or by completing our online disclosures form.

Submit a disclosure or complaint


Follow our process if you have any complaints or concerns about how QUT has dealt with your personal information.

Public interest disclosure

Public interest disclosures (PID) can be made to the PID coordinator, the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar, in writing by emailing registrar@qut.edu.au


If you have any complaints or concerns about the conduct of research at QUT, email the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity at orei.enquiries@qut.edu.au


If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a QUT student or wish to refer them for support, submit a Student Services Referral Form or call 3138 2000.

As a QUT staff member, who can I contact if I want to report a concern externally?

Your Call

We want to hear from you so that QUT can be an even better workplace. We will improve our culture if staff feel they can safely and freely report concerns without fear of the consequences.

If you do not want to use one of the internal processes described above, you may report through Your Call, an external and independent complaint management service.

You may opt to remain anonymous or to identify yourself to Your Call only, or to identify yourself to both Your Call and to the University.

Your Call has protocols in place to enable and protect the confidentiality of all parties involved in a complaint and, if requested, the anonymity of those making complaints. Note that that there may be limitations on the extent to which anonymous complaints can be fully investigated and/or resolved.

Your Call will analyse complaints and use a central portal only accessible to nominated QUT officers. Your Call will work with those officers to ensure that your complaint is managed at the right level, and in accordance with existing QUT policies, processes, and relevant legislative requirements, noting that Conflict of Interest, Code of Conduct and Confidentiality provisions apply to all those involved in handling complaints.

Your Call will provide feedback to the complainant as the complaint is progressed.

Contact details

Staff have the option to utilise the existing internal pathways to lodge a complaint or to make it directly to Your Call by hotline or online.

1300 790 228
7am - 12am, on recognised business days

Your Call website

The Your Call organisational identification for the University is QUT.

Student Ombudsman

We provide advice for students and staff on student related policies and procedures, including:

  • assessment
  • unsatisfactory academic progress
  • course progression.

We ensure students receive fair and equitable treatment by providing a confidential, independent and impartial resource for the resolution of student grievances relating to administrative and academic decisions.

Find out more about the Student Ombudsman Office