Emeritus Professor
Ann Farrell

Profile image of Emeritus Professor Ann Farrell

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education

Personal details


Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education
Emeritus Professor
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
Office of the Exec Dean, CI, Edu & Soc Justice


Child Rights to Participation and Protection, Early Childood Education and Care: Policy and Practice, Early Childhood Teacher Education, Researching with Young Children, Globalisation, Intercultural Learning and Teaching, Research Ethics, Children's Health and Wellbeing, Mixed Method, Evaluation and Policy Research, Diversity in the Early Years

Research field

Education systems, Other law and legal studies, Sociology

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Honorary Doctorate (Goteborg University)
  • PhD (University of Queensland)
  • MEdSt (University of Queensland)
  • BEdSt (University of Queensland)
  • DipT(EC) (Brisbane Kind T.C.)
  • Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors (Australian Institute of Company Directors)

Professional memberships and associations

Advisory panels/committees

  • European Early Childhood Research Association (EECERA) Conference Scientific Committee (2023) Portugal
  • University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) Review of Master of Education Expert Panel (2023)
  • Education University of Hong Kong,  External  Review Panel, Early Childhood Education Area, Master of Education (2022)
  • Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Board, Minister's Nominee (2016-2021), Deputy Chair (2019-2021)
  • beyondblue National Advisory Council, National Education Initiative (2017 onwards)
  • London Economics (Indecon), International Expert Adviser , Review of Early Learning and Care and School Age Child Care Operating  System, Republic of Ireland (2021)
  • Performance-based Research Fund (New Zealand), Education Panel (2018-2019)
  • International Advisory Board, Faculty of Education, Gothenburg University (2019-2022)
  • Education University of Hong Kong, Chair Review Panel, Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (2018)
  • European Union, Erasmus Mundis International Review Panel, Masters of Early Childhood (2016)
  • Early Childhood Australia, Publications Advisory Panel  (2016 onwards)
  • Australian Aid Program Education Panel, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2015 onwards)
  • Mälardalen University (Sweden), International Research Review Panel (2014)
  • Australian Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), appointment to Expert Panel (Teacher Education: Early Childhood) (2013 onwards)
  • University of Pretoria (South Africa), Corporate Review Panel, Early Childhood Education Courses (2013)
  • Early Childhood Education and Care Forum, Ministerial Appointment to sector-wide consultative body established to inform the implementation of Queensland’s early childhood reform agenda (2009-2010)
  • Office of Higher Education, Ministerial Appointment to Review Panel, Queensland Department of Education and Training

Professional bodies

  • Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) (2018)
  • World Organisation for Early Childhood (OMEP)
  • International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Australasian Bioethics Association
  • Australian Association for Research in Education
  • Australian Alliance for Children and Youth
  • Higher Education Research & Development Society Australasia
  • Australian College of Educators
  • Early Childhood Australia


Professor Farrell's teaching expertise spans undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, with expertise in:

  • Early childhood education and care: Curriculum policy and practice
  • Young children, families and communities
  • Research ethics

Professor Farrell has supervised 13 doctorates to completion:

  • graduates are represented in academic positions in Brunei, New South Wales and Queensland
  • four graduates are members of the professoriate in their respective universities
  • two graduates hold senior executive positions, one  in Canberra and one in a national education organization

Professor Farrell's international cohort-teaching spans:

  • China
  • Indonesia
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Singapore
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Denmark
  • United Kingdom

Professor Farrell's highlights in international teaching include:

  • Papua New Guinea (PNG) Partnerships for Improving Education, Deputy Project Leader & Co-Designer, Flexbile Mode Course Development and Training for Elementary Teachers (2023-2027)

  • Jiangsu International Foundation for Education Excellence (JIFEE), China - course design, leadership and teaching in a large-scale professional development program for >1800 early childhood teachers (2012-2015); devoted approximately 4 weeks per year of face-to-face teaching with cohorts of 120 teachers at Hongwen College, Suzhou (2012-2015)

  • International Master of Early Childhood, Gothenburg University, Sweden  & Oslo Akerhus University College, Norway  (2015)

  • "Enhancing sustainable leadership for quality Early Childhood Education teacher training in Indonesia" - course design, team leadership and teaching 16 fellows from Indonesia Directorate of Development for Early Childhood in Australian Awards Fellowship program, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (2015-2016)

  • "Intercultural dialogue for global leadership and citizenship in early childhood education", funded by the European Union and Australia's Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research -  course design, leadership and teaching in a six-university consortium providing  international mobility for 54 students and 33 staff. Consortium members: QUT (Australian lead), Charles Sturt University, Monash University, Gothenburg University (EU lead), University College of Northern Denmark and University of East London (2011-2014)



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Selected research projects

Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.