Dr Anja Goldmann
Faculty of Science,
School of Chemistry & Physics
- 2019 – present Senior Strategic Research Advisor, Research Portfolio, Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice-President (Research), QUT
- 2019 – present Senior Research Fellow School of Chemistry and Physics, Faculty of Science, QUT
- 2018 – 2019 Senior Research Fellow and Research Manager, Soft Matter Materials Laboratory, School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, QUT
- 2017 Appointment as ‘Akademische Oberrätin’ (equivalent to ‘Senior Lecturer’ (Australia) and ‘Associate Professor’ (US))
- 2016 – 2018 Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, QUT
- 2016 Appointment as ‘Akademische Rätin’ (equivalent to ‘Lecturer’ (Australia) and ‘Assistant Professor’ (US))
- 2010 – 2018 Research Manager, Macromolecular Architectures (Team of Prof. Christopher Barner-Kowollik), Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
- 2006 – 2009 PhD Studies, Macromolecular Chemistry II, Prof. Axel H. E. Müller, University of Bayreuth, Germany
- 2006 – 2007 Visiting Fellow, Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design (CAMD), The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
- 2005 Dipl.-Chem. Univ., Polymer and Colloid Chemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany
- 2003 – 2004 Erasmus Fellow, University of Zaragoza, Spain
- 2002 – 2005 Studies Polymer and Colloid Chemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Personal details
- Visiting Fellow
Faculty of Science,
School of Chemistry & Physics
Research field
Macromolecular and materials chemistry
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- PhD (University of Bayreuth)
Professional memberships and associations
MRACI CChem: Royal Australian Chemical Institute QUT Centre for Material Science
- Rodrigues, L., Micallef, A., Pfrunder, M., Truong, V., McMurtrie, J., Dargaville, T., Goldmann, A., Feist, F. & Barner-Kowollik, C. (2021). A Self-Catalyzed Visible Light Driven Thiol Ligation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(19), 7292–7297. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/211328
- Prasser, Q., Steinbach, D., Kodura, D., Schildknecht, V., König, K., Weber, C., Brendler, E., Vogt, C., Peuker, U., Barner-Kowollik, C., Mertens, F., Schacher, F., Goldmann, A. & Plamper, F. (2021). Electrochemical Stimulation of Water-Oil Interfaces by Nonionic-Cationic Block Copolymer Systems. Langmuir, 37(3), 1073–1081. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/209352
- Kodura, D., Houck, H., Bloesser, F., Goldmann, A., Du Prez, F., Frisch, H. & Barner-Kowollik, C. (2021). Light-fueled dynamic covalent crosslinking of single polymer chains in non-equilibrium states. Chemical Science, 12(4), 1302–1310. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/208405
- Pelloth, J., Tran, P., Walther, A., Goldmann, A., Frisch, H., Truong, V. & Barner-Kowollik, C. (2021). Wavelength-Selective Softening of Hydrogel Networks. Advanced Materials, 33(39). https://eprints.qut.edu.au/212790
- Feist, F., Rodrigues, L., Walden, S., Krappitz, T., Dargaville, T., Weil, T., Goldmann, A., Blinco, J. & Barner-Kowollik, C. (2020). Light-induced ligation of o-quinodimethanes with gated fluorescence self-reporting. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(17), 7744–7748. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/201893
- Goldmann, A., Boase, N., Michalek, L., Blinco, J., Welle, A. & Barner-Kowollik, C. (2019). Adaptable and reprogrammable surfaces. Advanced Materials, 31(40), 1–21. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/132079
- Petit, C., Abbasi, M., Fischer, T., Wilhelm, M., Goldmann, A. & Barner-Kowollik, C. (2019). Comb polymers with triazole linkages under thermal and mechanical stress. Macromolecules, 52(2), 420–431. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/132179
- Hoenders, D., Guo, J., Goldmann, A., Barner-Kowollik, C. & Walther, A. (2018). Photochemical ligation meets nanocellulose: a versatile platform for self-reporting functional materials. Materials Horizons, 5(3), 560–568. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/125695
- Marschner, D., Frisch, H., Offenloch, J., Tuten, B., Becer, C., Walther, A., Goldmann, A., Tzvetkova, P. & Barner-Kowollik, C. (2018). Visible light [2 + 2] cycloadditions for reversible polymer ligation. Macromolecules, 51(10), 3802–3807. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/125707
- Blasco, E., Sims, M., Goldmann, A., Sumerlin, B. & Barner-Kowollik, C. (2017). 50th anniversary perspective: Polymer functionalization. Macromolecules, 50(14), 5215–5252. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/116102
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