Associate Professor
Adrian Kelly

Profile image of Associate Professor Adrian Kelly

Faculty of Health,
School of Psychology & Counselling

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Psychology & Counselling


adolescents, mental health, substance use and misuse, families, early interventions, community approaches to prevention, Aspergers Syndrome, programs for managers of people on the autism spectrum, complex risk profiles amongst adolescents

Research field

Other psychology

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (University of Queensland)
  • Master of Business Administration (University of Queensland)
  • Master of Clinical Psychology (University of Queensland)
  • Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology (University of Queensland)
  • Bachelor of Science (University of Queensland)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Deputy Director - Asia Pacific Society for Prevention Research
  • Member - Centre for Inclusive Education
  • Registered Psychologist, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
  • Fellow of the College of Clinical Psychologists (APS)
  • AHPRA approved clinical supervisor
  • Theme leader - Child Adversity, mental health and resilience - QUT Centre for Child Health and Well-being
  • Honorary Associate Professor - UQ School of Psychology
  • Senior Fellow - Higher Education Academy
  • Member - Australia China Center for Public Health
  • College of Higher Degree Research - Mentoring Supervisors
  • Editorial  Board Member - Substance use and Misuse
  • Senior Fellow - Institute of Business and Economics (2017-2018)


Being a part of the academic growth and career trajectories of young people is a great privilege. I convene two units - Individual Differences and Assessment (PYB309), and Interventions for Addictive Behaviours (PYB360).  I work with a great group of guest lecturers who bring a wealth of experience across diverse topics.

In Individual Differences and Assessment, we cover these and other topics:

  • Contemporary models of human behaviour
  • Measurement of psychological constructs
  • Applications of theory to contemporary challenges, such as parenting, education, vocational training, and drug use.

In Interventions for Addictive Behaviours, we cover:

  • Key concepts of addiction and drug abuse
  • Assessment tools and techniques
  • Development and maintenance of alcohol and other drug misuse
  • Evidence-based early interventions
  • Community coalition approaches to drug and alcohol prevention
  • Pharmacological treatments for alcohol and drug dependence



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