Adjunct Associate Professor
Anne Petriwskyj

Profile image of Adjunct Associate Professor Anne Petriwskyj

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education

Personal details


Adjunct Associate Professor
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education


diversity, inclusion, transition

Research field

Specialist studies in education, Curriculum and pedagogy

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Master of Education (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Grad Cert CTTSNC (University of Queensland)
  • B Sp Ed (Monash University)
  • Dip KTC (Brisbane Kind T.C.)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Early Childhood Australia

  • Early Childhood Intervention Australia

  • Australian Society for Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability


Anne is involved in teaching across undergraduate, graduate diploma and Masters programs in the following topics:

  • Inclusion in early childhood education

  • Science and technology education in early childhood

  • Arts and science education in early childhood

  • Early childhood pedagogy including infant and toddler care



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