Dr Ammanda-Jane Glazebrook

Profile image of Dr Ammanda-Jane Glazebrook

Academic Division,
Research Portfolio,
Director's Office, Graduate Research Centre

Personal details


Visiting Fellow
Academic Division,
Research Portfolio,
Director's Office, Graduate Research Centre


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)

Professional memberships and associations

Australian Psychological Society


Lecturer: Biological Foundations of Psychology (Undergraduate Psychology), Inter-disciplinary and Cross-cultural Approaches to Wellbeing (Postgraduate Positive Psychology).

Tutor: Undergraduate Psychology - Research Methods, Introduction to Data Analysis, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Social and Biological Foundations of Psychology, Psychotherapies and Counselling, Allied Health and Sports Psychology, Critical Social Psychology, Personal and Professional Development, Forensic Psychology, Psychology Through the Lifespan, Personality, Current Trends in Psychology.



Research outputs by year

QUT ePrints

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