Professor Tony Roberts

Faculty of Science,
School of Mathematical Sciences
The properties of many important natural and manufactured materials are linked to their internal microstructure. The study of how these microstructural details influence macroscopic properties leads to fascinating scientific and mathematical questions. The results show how manufactured materials can be optimised. Topology Optimization: Design of artificial bone implants Models of random structures: Gaussian random fields, 3D Poisson models, percolation models, diffusion limited aggregation, fractal networks and trees Material Properties: conductivity/resistivity, diffusion coeffcients, anomalous diffusion, elastic properties, fluid flow, random walker probabilities Analysis of experimental techniques: Statistical reconstruction of 3D models from 2D images; Small angle neutron and x-ray scatteringhttps://publons.com/researcher/1741930/anthony-roberts/
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Personal details
- Head of School
Faculty of Science,
School of Mathematical Sciences
- PhD (Australian National University)
Professional memberships and associations
Fellow of the Australian Mathematics Society
QUT ePrints
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