Professor Azharul Karim

Profile image of Professor Azharul Karim

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering

Personal details


Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering


Renewable Energy, Thermal Storage, Food Engineering, Food Drying, Microstructure Investigation of Food, Multiscale Drying Model, Microwave Drying, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Healthcare, Food Supply Chain Optimization

Research field

Mechanical engineering, Food sciences, Manufacturing engineering

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD in Engineering (The University of Melbourne)

Professional memberships and associations

Editorial Engagements

  1. Associate Editor- Drying Technology, an international Journal (Q2, IF=3.556)
  2. Editorial Board Member- Nature Scientific Reports (Q1, IF=4.996)
  3. Editorial Board Member- Energies (Q1, IF=3.252)
  4. Editorial Board Member- American Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics
  5. Guest Editor: Frontiers in Energy Research (Q2, IF=4.008)

Professional Membership

  1. Engineers Australia
  2. International Association of Engineering and Food
  3. IEEE
  4. Engineer’s Institution of Bangladesh (IEB)
  5. American Society of Quality (ASQ)


Dr Karim is recognised as an expert in Engineering Curriculum Development. He developed nationally and internationally recognised and award-winning real-world project based learning (PBL) programs for postgraduate students, and manufacturing simulations in the classroom setting for undergraduate students. He was honoured with a Global Engineering Education Award in 2018. He worked as a member of review panel for Master of engineering course at the University of Johannesburg. He has led the redesign of Master of Engineering Management course (BN87) and the introduction of an Engineers Australia Accredited Professional Masters course (EN55). Dr Karim’s current teaching activities include teaching and coordination of the following units:

  • EGB423- Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning (Undergraduate)
  • EGB-435 Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Automation (Undergraduate)
  • ENN515- Total Quality Management (Postgraduate)
  • ENN570-Enterprise Recourse Planning (Postgraduate)

Course Leader: Master of Engineering Management (BN87), Master of Engineering Management Online (BQ87) and Subject Area Coordinator: Master of Professional Engineering (EN55)



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