Professor Beth Saggers

Profile image of Professor Beth Saggers

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education

Personal details


Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education


Autism spectrum, Inclusive practices, challenging behaviours, behaviour support, social emotional competence, mental health, complex needs, sense of belonging, wellbeing, student voice

Research field

Specialist studies in education, Education systems

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (University of Queensland)
  • MEd (University of Queensland)
  • BEd (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Diploma of Teaching (Queensland University of Technology)

Professional memberships and associations

Member of Centre for Inclusive Education (C4IE) research group

Member of Centre for Child and Family Studies research group


Cognizant of the need to develop highly skilled graduates; well suited to 21st century employment and careers and who can thrive and be resilient in changing and complex educational work environments; my professional knowledge and practice is driven by a focus on lifelong and authentic learning. Most importantly, my teaching is informed by the large body of subject knowledge acquired from more than 35 years of real-world experience and research with application to contemporary contexts. Much of this knowledge has been acquired through my leaderships and engagement with current and innovative transdisciplinary global research activities that informs my activities, teaching practices, content knowledge and values. My teaching therefore promotes the mobilisation of research knowledge and evidenced based practices to support the diverse learning needs of students using authentic, real life teaching methods and promote inclusive practices, and communities. This places the needs, experience and success of the students at the centre of the design and delivery of my teaching. Informed by social constructivism my teaching achieves this by implementing strategies to ensure subject matter is contextually fit and that the knowledge can be applied to the diversity of contexts  and students work work in.

Current  subjects taught as part of the Masters coursework:

EUN641: Multi-tiered systems of support

EUN642: Creating positive learning environments



QUT ePrints

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Current supervisions

  • Developing An Understanding of The Inclusion of Autistic Children in Mainstream Schools in Vietnam
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Philip Baker
  • All About Me: Neurodivergent Children's Perspectives of Identity
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Jenna Gillett-Swan
  • Australian Early Childhood Educators' Knowledge, Perceptions, and Teaching Strategies for Self-determination in Autistic Students Enrolled in Inclusive Educational Settings
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Sofia Mavropoulou
  • Understanding and embracing autistic identity and culture in the classroom - supporting autistic students to thrive
    MPhil, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Suzanne Carrington