Dr Babar Shahzaad

Faculty of Science,
School of Information Systems
Babar Shahzaad is a Lecturer at the School of Information Systems, Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Before starting this position, he worked as a Research Fellow in Industrial-Internet-of-Things Service Computing at QUT for over 1.5 years. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from The University of Sydney (USYD), where he explored drone-based delivery systems within the context of smart cities. His expertise includes service-oriented computing, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Babar has a growing reputation in the service computing community, with over 300 citations and publications in top-tier journals, including Future Generation Computer Systems and IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. He has supervised 13 research projects, including Honours and Master’s theses, resulting in successful publications and student placements at prominent organizations like WiseTech Global. With more than six years of teaching experience across Australia and Pakistan, Babar is dedicated to delivering industry-aligned education in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. At the University of Management and Technology (UMT) in Pakistan, he led curriculum modernization efforts that resulted in National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC) accreditation. At USYD, Babar engaged large student cohorts using both in-person and online learning to enhance participation. He also served as a sessional academic, where he developed and delivered content for “IFN663 Advanced Enterprise Architecture,” focusing on integrating security insights into enterprise architecture.Personal details
- Lecturer (TIEA)
Faculty of Science,
School of Information Systems
Service Computing, IIoT, Internet of Things, Drones, Drone-as-a-Service, Microservices, Optimization
Research field
Distributed computing and systems software, Information systems
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- Doctor of Philosophy (University of Sydney)
Professional memberships and associations
International Society for Research and Development (ISRD)
IEEE Young Professionals
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Computer Society Technical Community on Services Computing
International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
- Shahzaad, B., Alkouz, B., Janszen, J. & Bouguettaya, A. (2023). Optimizing Drone Delivery in Smart Cities. IEEE Internet Computing, 27(4), 32–39. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/247739
- Shahzaad, B., Bouguettaya, A., Mistry, S. & Neiat, A. (2021). Resilient composition of drone services for delivery. Future Generation Computer Systems, 115, 335–350. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/247740
- Shahzaad, B. & Bouguettaya, A. (2022). Service-Oriented Architecture for Drone-based Multi-Package Delivery. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 103–108. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/247761
- Arshad, S., Shahzaad, B., Azam, M., Loo, J., Ahmed, S. & Aslam, S. (2018). Hierarchical and Flat-Based Hybrid Naming Scheme in Content-Centric Networks of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(2), 1070–1080. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/247741
- Shahzaad, B. & Bouguettaya, A. (2021). Top-k Dynamic Service Composition in Skyway Networks. Service-Oriented Computing: 19th International Conference, ICSOC 2021, Virtual Event, November 22-25, 2021, Proceedings, 479–495. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/247752
- Shahzaad, B., Bouguettaya, A. & Mistry, S. (2020). A Game-Theoretic Drone-as-a-Service Composition for Delivery. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 449–453. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/247759
- Shahzaad, B., Bouguettaya, A., Mistry, S. & Neiat, A. (2019). Constraint-Aware Drone-as-a-Service Composition. Service-Oriented Computing: 17th International Conference, ICSOC 2019, Toulouse, France, October 28-31, 2019, Proceedings, 369–382. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/247751
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Babar, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).