Professor Ben White

Profile image of Professor Ben White

Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law

Personal details


ARC Future Fellow
Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law
Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law


Health and Medical Law, Voluntary Assisted Dying and Euthanasia, End of Life Decision-Making, Withholding and Withdrawing Treatment, Advance Care Planning, Advance Directives and Consent to Medical Treatment, Medical Futility and Non-Beneficial Treatment, Regulation of Medical Decision-Making, Law Reform, Socio-Legal Research, ACHLR

Research field

Health services and systems, Law in context

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • DPhil (University of Oxford)
  • Bachelor of Laws (Queensland University of Technology)


Ben has supervised 16 PhD students to completion.  He supervises a broad range of topics in the health and medical law field including voluntary assisted dying, futile or non-beneficial medical treatment, advance directives and advance care planning, withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment, palliative care, adult guardianship tribunals, mental capacity and supported decision-making, and other areas related to end-of-life decision-making. He welcomes inquiries from prospective PhD students.



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