Dr Brooke Williams

Faculty of Science,
School of Biology & Environmental Science
Brooke is a Research Fellow who focuses on finding innovative solutions to conservation problems at the environment–human interface at both global and local scales. Balancing conservation with human needs is an increasingly important area of science, and she addresses these challenges in two ways. The first is through strategic planning where she designs tools to effectively allocate conservation action, largely through mathematical optimisation. The second is by developing metrics and assessments to quantify how human activities impact biodiversity and ecosystem services (the services that nature provides to people such as fresh drinking water), and how to improve outcomes.Currently she is working on developing new tools to improve conservation outcomes with a focus on policy and tropical forest restoration. Please reach out if you are interested in collaborating brooke.a.williams@qut.edu.au.
Policy impact: https://policyprofiles.sagepub.com/profile/8476/brooke-williams
Scientific publications
Williams B A, Archibald C L, Brazill-Boast J, Drielsma M J, Thapa R, Love J, Cho F H T, Lunney D, Fitzsimons J A, Iftekhar S, Villarreal-Rosas J, Bekessy S, Benitez Hetherington S, McAlpine C A, Beaumont L, Thonell J, Rhodes R J. (2024) Optimal investments in private land conservation depend more on landholder preferences than climate change, Environmental Research Letters. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad8d6bWilliams B A*, Beyer H L*, Fagan M E, Chazdon R, Schmoeller M, Sprenkle-Hyppolite S, Griscom B W, Watson J E M, Tedesco A M, Gonzalez-Roglich M, Daldegan G A, Bodin B, Celentano D, Wilson S J, Rhodes J R, Alexandre N S, Kim D H, Bastos D, Crouzeilles R. (2024) The global potential for natural regeneration in deforested tropical regions, Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08106-4
Thomas H*, Chung Y F*, Maron M, Rhodes J R, Simmonds J S, Ward M, Williams B A. (2024) Achieving nature positive requires net gain legislation, Science, 386, 383-385. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adq9157
Williams B A, Metzger J P, Cho F, Phelan A, Lopez S, Bentley L K, Fu B, Zhang Y J, Liu Y, Johnson J A, Rhodes J R. (2024) Telecoupling cannot be ignored for the forest-based carbon market, Bioscience, biae102. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biae102
Williams B A*, López-Cubillos S*, Ochoa-Quintero J M, Crouzeilles R , Villa-Piñeros M, Isaacs Cubides P J, Schmoeller M, Marin W, Tedesco A, Bastos A, Suárez-Castro A F, Romero Jiménez L H, Broadbent E N, Almeyda Zambrano A M, Vincent J, Yi Y, Chazdon R, Watson J E M, Noguera Urbano E A, Cruz Rodriguez C A, Beyer H B. (2024) Bringing the forest back: restoration priorities in Colombia, Diversity and Distributions, 00, e13821. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ddi.13821
Watson J E M, Ellis E C, Pillay R, Williams B, Venter O. (2023) Mapping Industrial Influences on Earth’s Ecology. Annual Reviews, 48, 289–317. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-environ-112420-013640
Williams B A, Morgans C, Rhodes J R. (2023) Beyond protected areas for koala conservation. Science, 379, 6638. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adh4128
Williams B A, Watson J E M, Beyer H L, Grantham H S, Simmonds J S, Alvarez S J, Venter O, Strassburg B N N, Runting R K. (2022) Global drivers of change across tropical savannah ecosystems and insights into their management and conservation. Biological Conservation, 276, 109786.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109786
Pillay R, Watson J E M, Hansen A J, Jantz P A, Aragon-Osejo J, Armenteras D, Atkinson S C, Burns P, Ervin J, Goetz S J, González-del-Pliego P, Robinson N P, Supples C, Virnig A L S, Williams B A, Venter O. (2022) Humid tropical vertebrates are at lower risk of extinction and population decline in forests with higher structural integrity. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, 1840–1849. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-022-01915-8.
Allan J R, Possingham H P, Atkinson S C, Waldron A, Di Marco M, Butchart S H, Adams V M, Kissling W D, Worsdell T, Sandbrook C, Gibbon Gwili, Kumar Kundan, Mehta Piyush, Maron M, Williams B A, Jones K R, Visconti P, Wintle B A, Reside A E, Watson J E M. (2022) Conservation attention necessary across at least 44% of Earth's terrestrial area to safeguard biodiversity. Science, 376, 1094-1101. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abl9127
Williams B A, Grantham H S, Watson J E M, Shapiro A C, Plumptre A J, Ayebare S, Goldman E, Tulloch A. (2022) Reconsidering priorities for forest conservation when considering the threats of mining and armed conflict. Ambio. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-022-01724-0
López-Cubillos S, Runting R K, Suárez-Castro F, Williams B A, Armenteras D, Ochoa-Quinteroc J M, E McDonald-Madden. (2022) Spatial prioritization to achieve the triple bottom line in Payment for Ecosystem Services design. Ecosystem Services, 55, 101424. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2022.101424
Williams B A, Watson, J. E.M., Beyer, H. L., Klein, C. J., Montgomery, J., Runting, R. K., Roberson, L. A., Halpern, B. S., Grantham, H. S., Kuempel, C. D., Frazier, M., Venter, O., & Wenger, A. (2022) The global rarity of low pressure coastlines. Conservation Biology, e138374. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13874
Elsen P R, Saxon E C, Simmons A, Ward M, Williams B A, Grantham H S, Kark S, Levin, Perez-Hammerle KV, Reside A, Watson J E M. (2021) Accelerated shifts in terrestrial life zones under rapid climate change. Global Change Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15962
Williams B A, Simmons A B, Ward M, Beher J, Dean A J, Nou T, Kenyon T, Davey M, Melton C, Stewart Sinclair P, Hammond N, Massingham, Klein C. (2021)The potential for applying ‘nonviolent communication’ in conservation science. Conservation Science and Practice, e540. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.540
Roberson L A, Beyer H L, O’Hara C, Watson J E M, Dunn D C, Halpern B S, Klein C J, Frazier M R, Kuempel C D, Williams B A, Grantham H S, Montgomery J C, Kark S, Runting R K. (2021). Multinational coordination required for conservation of over 90% of marine species. Global Change Biology, 00, 1– 11. http://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15844
Uba de Andrade Junior M A, Watson J, Williams B A, Allan J, O’Bryan C, Allan J R, Maxwell S. (2021) How to halve the carbon and biodiversity impacts of biofuel-driven land-use change in Brazil. Biological Conservation, 260, 109214. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109214
Ward M, Barmand S, Watson J E M, Williams B A. (2021) Australia faces environmental crisis. Science, 371, 1115-1116.https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abg9225
Williams B A, Watson J E M, Butchart S H M, Ward M, Brooks T M, Butt N, Bolam F C, Stuart S N, Mair L, McGowan P J K, Gregory R, Hilton-Taylor C, Mallon D, Harrison I, Simmonds J S. (2020). A robust goal is needed for species in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Conservation Letters, e12778. https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12778
Ward M S, Saura S, Williams B A, Ramirez-Delgado J P, Arafeh-Dalmau N, Allan J R, Venter O, Dubois G, Watson J E M. (2020). Only ten percent of the global terrestrial protected area network is connected via intact land. Nature communications, 11, 4563.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18457-x
Williams B A, Venter O, Allan J A, Atkinson S C, Rehbein J A, Ward M S, Di Marco M, Grantham H S, Ervin J, Goetz S, Hansen A J, Jantz P, Pillay R, Rodríguez-Buriticá S, Supples C, Virnig A L S, Watson J E M. (2020) Change in terrestrial human footprint drives continued loss of intact ecosystems. One Earth, 3, 371–382.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2020.08.009
Ward M, Tulloch A, Radford J Q, Williams B A, Reside A, Macdonald S L, Mayfield H, Maron M, Possingham H P, Vine S, O’Connor J, Massingham E, Greenville A C, Woinarski J C Z, Garnett S T, Lintermans M, Scheele B C, Carwardine J, Nimmo D, Lindenmayer D, Kooyman R, Simmonds J S, Sonter L S, Watson J E M. (2020) Impact of 2019–2020 mega-fires on Australian fauna habitat. Nature Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-020-1251-1
Watson J E M, Keith D A, Strassburg B B N, Venter O, Williams B, Nicholson E. (2020) Set a global target for ecosystems. Nature, 578, 360-362. https://doi:10.1038/d41586-020-00446-1
Williams B A, Grantham H S, WatsonJ E M, AlvarezS J, SimmondsJ S, RogélizC A, Da SilvaM, ForeroMedinaG, EtterA, NogalesJ, WalschburgerT, HymanG, BeyerH L.(2020)Minimising the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in an intact landscape under risk of rapid agricultural development. Environmental Research Letters, 15, 014001.https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab5ff7
Locke H, Ellis E C, Venter O, Schuster R, Ma K, Shen X, Woodley S, Kingston N, Bhola N, Strassburg B B, Paulsch A, Williams B, Watson J E M. (2019) Three Global Conditions for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use: an implementation framework. National Science Review, 6, 80 - 1082. https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwz136
McIntosh E J, Chapman S, Kearney S G, Williams B, Althor G, Thorn J P R, Pressey R L, McKinnon M C, Grenyer R. (2018) Absence of evidence for the conservation outcomes of systematic conservation planning around the globe: A systematic map. Environmental Evidence, 7, 22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-018https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-018-0134-20134-2
Allek A, Assis A, Eiras N, Amaral T, Williams B, Butt N, Renwick A, Bennett J, Beyer H L. (2018) The threats endangering Australia's at-risk fauna. Biological Conservation, 222, 172-179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2018.03.029
Watson J E M, Evans T, Venter O, Williams B, Tulloch A, Stewart C, Thompson I, Ray J C, Murray K, Salazar A, McAlpine C, Potapov P, Walston J, Robinson J G, Painter M, Wilkie D, Filardi C, Laurance W F, Houghton R A, Maxwell S, Grantham H, Samper C, Wang S, Laestadius L, Runting R K, Silva-Chávez G A, Ervin J, Lindenmayer D. (2018) The exceptional value of intact forest ecosystems. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2, 599–610. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-018-0490-x
Williams B A, Shoo L, Wilson K, Beyer H L. (2017) Optimising the spatial planning of prescribed burns to achieve multiple objectives in a fire-dependent ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54, 1699–1709. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.12920
Other publications
Williams, B and Chazdon, R. (2024) 215 million hectares of forest – an area bigger than Mexico – could grow back by itself, if we can just leave it alone. https://theconversation.com/215-million-hectares-of-forest-an-area-bigger-than-mexico-could-grow-back-by-itself-if-we-can-just-leave-it-alone-236696Williams, B, Wenger, A, Watson, JEM. (2022) Just 16% of the world’s coastlines are in good shape – and many are so bad they can never fully recover. https://theconversation.com/just-16-of-the-worlds-coastlines-are-in-good-shape-and-many-are-so-bad-they-can-never-fully-recover-176445#Echobox=1643951681-1
Williams, B. (2021) Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation – a brief overview of global and individual actions needed for a sustainable future. Redress – Journal of The Association of Women Educators, 30, 10-13. https://search.informit.org/doi/abs/10.3316/informit.452030215160250
Serra N, Kockel A, Williams, B, Watts, M, Klein, C, Stewart, R, Ball, I, Game, E, Possingham, H, McGowan J. (2020) Marxan with Zones User Manual. For Marxan with Zones version 1.0.1 and above. The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Arlington, Virginia, United States and Pacific Marine Analysis and Research Association (PacMARA), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. https://marxansolutions.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/MarxanZ_User_Manual_2021.pdf
Watson, J E M, Venter O, Williams, B A. (2020) Section 6 Mapping the last wilderness areas on Earth, Chapter 2: Lifestyles of the 21st Century, WWF Living Planet Report 2020. https://livingplanet.panda.org/en-us/
Waldron, A, Adams, V, Allan, J, Arnell, A, Asner, G, Atkinson, S, Baccini, A, Baillie, J E M, Balmford, A, Beau, A J, Brander, L, Brondizio, E, Bruner, A, Burgess, N, Burkart, K, Butchart, S, Button, R, Carrasco, R, Cheung, W, Christensen, V, Clements, A, Coll, M, di Marco, M, Deguignet, M, Dinerstein, E, Ellis, E, Eppink, F, Ervin, J, Escobedo, A, Fa, J, Fernandes-Llamazares, A, Fernando, S, Fujimori, S, Fulton, B, Garnett, S, Gerber, J, Gill, D, Gopalakrishna, T, Hahn, N, Halpern, B, Hasegawa, T, Havlik, P, Heikinheimo, V, Heneghan, R, Henry, E, Humpenoder, F, Jonas, H, Jones, K, Joppa, L, Joshi, A.R, Jung, M, Kingston, N, Klein, C, Krisztin, T, Lam, V, Leclere, D, Lindsey, P, Locke, H, Lovejoy, T E, Madgwick, P, Malhi, Y, Malmer, P, Maron, M, Mayorga, J, van Meijl, H, Miller, D, Molnar, Z, Mueller, N, Mukherjee, N, Naidoo, R, Nakamura, I, Nepal, P, Noss, R F,
O’Leary, B, Olson, D, Palcios Abrantes, J, Paxton, M, Popp, A, Possingham, H, Prestemon, J, Reside, A, Robinson, C, Robinson, J, Sala, E, Scherrer, K, Spalding, M, Spenceley, A, Steenbeck, J, Stehfest, E, Strassburg, B, Sumaila, R, Swinnerton, K, Sze, J, Tittensor, D, Toivonen, T, Toledo, A, Negret Torres, P, Van Zeist, W, Vause, J, Venter, O, Vilela, T, Visconti, P, Vynne, C, Watson, R, Watson, J, Wikramanayake, W, Williams, B, Wintle, B, Woodley, S, Wu, W, Zander, K, Zhang, Y, Zhang, Y P. (2020) Protecting 30% of the planet for nature: costs, benefits and economic implications - Working paper analysing the economic implications of the proposed 30% target for areal protection in the draft post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. https://www.conservation.cam.ac.uk/files/waldron_report_30_by_30_publish.pdf
Ward, M S, Reside, A E, Tulloch, A, Possingham, H P P, Williams, B, Sonter, L, Mayfield, H, Radford, J, Massingham, E, Watson, J E M. (2020) Six million hectares of threatened species habitat up in smoke. The conversation. https://theconversation.com/six-million-hectares-of-threatened-species-habitat-up-in-smoke-129438
Spencer-Smith, T, Cochrane, P, Trezise, J, Spindler, R, Grant, C, Howling, G, Ward, M, Williams, B, Pierrick Chalaye. (2019) Starting the conversation on Australia’s priorities for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework A synthesis of views, AIUCN. http://aciucn.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Post-2020-Biodiversity-Framework-workshop-synthesis_FINAL.pdf
Watson, J, Reside, A, Williams, B, Possingham, H, Maron, M, Ward, M, Fuller, R, Consaul Atkinson, S, Kearney, S. (2017) Just ten MPs represent more than 600 threatened species in their electorates. The conversation. https://theconversation.com/just-ten-mps-represent-more-than-600-threatened-species-in-their-electorates-83500
Williams, B. (2017) Fire management for asset protection and the environment. Research Brief https://wilsonconservationecologylab.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/uoq-research-brief.pdf
Williams, B, Shoo, L, Wilson, K and Beyer, H. (2016 - Honours Thesis) Navigating asset protection and conservation objectives associated with fire management in a fire-dependent ecosystem. The University of Queensland.
Selected Media
For full list please visit:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MpLU1t2YCuoIzQzc16Dd1ZxvSZUNnL0xNuOcD-WP4i4/edit?usp=sharing
- 2022 - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/04/barely-15-of-the-worlds-coastal-regions-remain-ecologically-intact-study-says
- 2022 - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/world-coastal-regions-in-danger-human-industrial-pressure/
- 2022 - https://news.mongabay.com/2022/02/we-should-be-pretty-concerned-study-shows-only-15-of-coastal-regions-still-intact/
- 2022 - https://eos.org/articles/just-15-5-of-global-coastline-remains-intact
- 2022 - https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/coast-environmental-damage-wildlifeseas-b2009305.html
- 2022 - https://revistagalileu.globo.com/Um-So-Planeta/noticia/2022/02/apenas-15-das-areas-costeiras-do-mundo-estao-intactas-diz-estudo.html
- 2020 - https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1307001318347878402?s=20
- 2020 - https://weather.com/news/news/2020-09-25-wilderness-area-size-of-mexico-lost
- 2020 - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/sep/19/shocking-wilderness-the-size-of-mexico-lost-worldwide-in-just-13-years-study-finds
- 2020 - https://news.mongabay.com/2020/09/study-finds-a-mexico-sized-swath-of-intact-land-lost-to-human-pressure/
- 2020 - https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/humans-destroyed-ecosystem-mexico-2000-2013/
- 2020 - https://stories.uq.edu.au/research/2020/conserving-our-future/index.html
- 2020 - https://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2020/09/20/planeta-em-chamas-ate-na-gelada-siberia-os-incendios-florestais-estao-fora-do-controle.ghtml
- 2020 - https://community.rspb.org.uk/ourwork/b/biodiversity/posts/scientists-call-for-a-robust-goalfor-species-in-the-post-2020-global-biodiversity-framework
Personal details
- Research Fellow
Faculty of Science,
School of Biology & Environmental Science
- Doctor of Philosophy (Other)
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Brooke, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).