Associate Professor
Chun Ouyang

Profile image of Associate Professor Chun Ouyang

Faculty of Science,
School of Information Systems

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Science,
School of Information Systems


Process Mining, Explainable AI, Predictive Analytics, AI Robustness, Distributed Computing, Formal Modeling and Verification (using nets)

Research field

Information systems, Artificial intelligence

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD in Computer Systems Engineering (Uni of South Australia)


I am passionate about teaching. I believe high quality teaching is underpinned by solid and in depth knowledge and wisdom, and driven by dedication and passion to engage and to inspire.

Subject Coordination & Lecturing:

Subject Co-lecturing:

Subject Guest-lecturing:

  • IAB201 Modelling Information Systems - Guest lecture on Object-oriented Modelling (2014-2016)
  • INN701 Advanced Research Topics - Guest lectures on Petri nets and Object Role Modelling as part of a one-day module on Introduction to Formal Methods (2009-2014)

Project Co-teaching / Supervision:

  • IFN703 Advanced Project (2021)
  • IFN704 Advanced Project 2 (2021)
  • IAB398/399 Undergraduate student capstone project supervision (2019-2020)
  • IFN701/702 Postgraduate student project supervision - incl: CEED & WIL project supervision (since 2015)
  • IFN690/691/693 Postgraduate student project supervision (prior to 2015)
  • INB300/302 Undergraduate student project supervision (prior to 2015)
  • CEED project supervision (prior to 2015)

Invited Subject (Co-)Teaching (external to QUT):

  • Business Process Automation: An undergraduate subject at Sun Yat-sen University (2013-2015)

Research Supervision:

QUT Internal (Access to the theses of my research graduates can be found on 'Supervision' page)

  • Jing Yang (PhD student; principal supervisor; co-supervising with Prof Arthur ter Hofstede, Prof Wil van der Aalst)
  • Chathurika Wickramage (PhD student; co-supervising with Prof Colin Fidge)
  • Shilpa Kochar (MPhil student; co-supervising with Dr Jason Watson)
  • Fuguo Wei (PhD graduate in 2016; co-supervised with Prof Alistair Barros)
  • Suriadi Suriadi (PhD graduate in 2010; co-supervised with Dr Ernest Foo)
  • Kenneth Wang (PhD graduate in 2008; co-supervised with Prof Marlon Dumas)
  • Srimanth Lingamaneni (Master by Research graduate in 2010; co-supervised with Prof Lin Ma and Prof Prasad Yarlagadda)

External to QUT  (I provide guidance and mentoring to the following research students outside QUT, though I am not officially their supervisor on administrative document)

  • Jing Yang (Master by Research graduate in 2019; Sun Yat-sen University, China)
  • Amin Jalali (PhD graduate in 2016; Stockholm University, Sweden)
  • Zhaoxia Wang (PhD graduate in 2012; Tsinghua University, China)


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Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.


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