Associate Professor
Christina Malatzky

Profile image of Associate Professor Christina Malatzky

Faculty of Health,
School of Public Health & Social Work

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Public Health & Social Work

Research field

Sociology, Public health, Other human society

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Murdoch University)

Professional memberships and associations

Member and Convenor of the Rural Issues thematic group of The Australian Sociological Association (TASA)

Editorial Advisory Board, Health Sociology Review

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


As a tertiary educator, I have experience teaching across a broad range of disciplines and year levels in face-to-face, online and blended modes. I have many years of experience teaching in the fields of anthropology and sociology, developmental psychology, academic learning skills and public health. I have supervised medical students undertaking year-long empirical research projects, and taught qualitative research methods to graduate research students, health professionals and researchers from a diverse range of disciplines. I have also devised new courses and subjects pertaining to First Nation health and facilitated teaching and learning workshops for health care providers across a broad range of subjects including identity politics, racism, White privilege, sameness and clinical neutrality. Currently, I teach: PUB215 Public Health Practice PUB416 Research Methods HLN707 Research Methods in Health



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