Associate Professor
Debbie Long

Profile image of Associate Professor Debbie Long

Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing

Research field


Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Griffith University)

Professional memberships and associations

Australian College of Critical Care Nurses

Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society, Paediatric Study Group

Paediatric Critical Care Research Group

PICOLO Network: Paediatric Intensive Care Optimising Long Term Outcomes


Dr Long is currently the Special Area Coordinator for Paediatric, Child and Youth Health Nursing and unit coordinator in the following courses:

  • NSN001: Contemporary Issues in Nursing Children and Families
  • NSN009: Specialist Nursing Practice for Children and Families

PhD Completions Title:  Posttraumatic stress in children admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit (2012). Title: Evaluating delirium in the paediatric intensive care unit: Understanding the acute and long-term impact on child functioning (Completed in 2019). Title: Optimising endotracheal suction practices in the paediatric intensive care unit (2020). Title: Behaviour change in children after general anaesthesia (2021).

Current PHD/Doctorate/MPhil supervisions Title: Feasibility of an early intervention to prevent persistent traumatic stress reactions in young children admitted to intensive care. (PICU CARE) Title: Long Term Outcomes following Paediatric Sepsis (LOTUS). Title: The effectiveness of an evidence-based health education program for parents of children undergoing congenital heart disease (CHD) surgery in Vietnam. Title: Point of Care Lactate Study – Paediatric Sepsis. Title:  The feasibility and implementation of a mobile health application to promote parental resilience, self-efficacy and management of anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms related to paediatric ICU survivorship.  Title: Navigating a way through the PICU’s complex healthcare setting: The PICU bedside buddy study.



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