Associate Professor
Emad Kiriakous

Profile image of Associate Professor Emad Kiriakous

Faculty of Science,
School of Chemistry & Physics

Personal details


Associate Professor in Forensic Science
Faculty of Science,
School of Chemistry & Physics


Analytical chemistry, Open path spectroscopy, Nanosensors and bio sensors, Pharmaceutical analysis, Environmental toxins, Molecular recognetion, Enantioselective analysis of compounds, Raman spectroscopy

Research field

Analytical chemistry

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Cairo University)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Member of the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Sciences Society (ANZFSS)
  • Member of the American chemical Chemistry Society

  • For up-to date details on research activities, projects, and publications please visit my research group and Orcid websites

  • For a full list of received competitive research grants please check my biography


Teaching discipline:


Teaching area

  • Forensic chemistry
  • Analytical toxicology
  • Forensic pharmacology.



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