Associate Professor
Erin O'Connor

Profile image of Associate Professor Erin O'Connor

Faculty of Health,
School of Psychology & Counselling

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Psychology & Counselling

Research field

Other Education, Other psychology, Other human society

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Registered Psychologist (Australia)
  • National Assessor - Australian Psychology Accreditation Council
  • Member - University Academic Board
  • Member - University Learning and Teaching Committee


PYB301 (previously PYB207) - Psychology in the Community (subject for final year students)

  • Career development for psychology students
  • 50 hour service learning placement with a community, private, or government organisation
  • Reflection skills and training in mindfulness and self evaluation
  • This placement unit culminates in a student conference during which we present short video briefs of where the students went, what they supported the organisation to do, and their professional development outcomes.

PYB300 - Behavioural Science and Contemporary Challenges

  • In this core final year unit, students work with community partners to develop drafts of grant applications for funding.

PYB207 - Group Work

  • Intensive experiential learning through a group experience;
  • Development of group facilitation skills; and
  • Refinement of reflective thinking during and after group facilitation.

I have also previously taught PYB000, PYB215, PYB302, PYB306. I have also developed and taught the psychology first year curriculum for University of Minnesota's Bachelor of Science (Health science) degree (2009/10).



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Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.
