Dr Brodie Evans

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Justice
Dr Brodie Evans is a Visiting Fellow contributing to research in the QUT Centre's for Justice, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Their research examines discourse, law and public policy, and political activism, in relation to issues of social and criminal justice.Brodie works outside of the university as the Program Manager for a non-profit organisation in the domestic violence response sector. This work involves managing the development and delivery of behaviour change intervention efforts with persons using violence. Brodie sits on various networks and committees contributing to domestic and family violence workforce capacity building, advocacy and policy reform, including the Services and Practitioners for the Elimination of Abuse Queensland (SPEAQ), Queer and Trans Workers Against Violence (QTWAV), and the QCOSS' QLD DFV Peak Body Advisory Group. In 2024, Brodie joined the Management Committee of Diverse Voices QLD.
Brodie’s 10+ years of teaching experience in areas of justice, politics, gender, and violence, enables them to continue building connections between their professional practice, teaching and research. As a teacher, Brodie has been nominated for a Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in 2016 and was awarded a Vice-Chancellor’s Performance Award in 2017. Brodie remains a member of the QUT Ally Network and is a founding member of the QUT Pride Staff Network Committee. They have previously served as a Discrimination Contact Officer at QUT and on the Faculty of Law Equity Committee.
Personal details
- Visiting Fellow
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Justice
- Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)
- Graduate Certificate in Business (Queensland University of Technology)
- Bachelor of Justice (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Griffith University)
Professional memberships and associations
- QUT Ally Network
- QUT Centre for Justice
- QUT Queer Research Group
- QCOSS QLD's Domestic and Family Violence Peak Body Advisory Group
- Services and Practitioners for the Elimination of Abuse Qld (SPEAQ) Network
- Queer and Trans Workers Against Violence (QTWAV)
- Family Law Pathways Network - Greater Brisbane
- Golden Key International Honour Society
Teaching and Learning History
- JSB286 Domestic Violence (Guest Lecturer)
- JSB263 Justice Institutions (Lecturer and Unit Coordinator)
- JSB276 Independent Study (Unit Coordinator)
- JSQ203 Reducing Lethal Risk (Unit Coordinator)
- JSB171 Justice and Society (Head Tutor)
Teaching Achievements:
- 2017 Vice-Chancellor's Performance Award
- 2016 Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence Nominee
- 2016 Sessional Teaching and Reflection Showcase (STARS) Finalist
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Brodie, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).