Professor Fawang Liu

Profile image of Professor Fawang Liu

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Numerical Methods, Fractional Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Stability and convergence analysis of numerical methods, Numerical methods of Singular perturbation problems, Numerical simulation of adsorbate transport problems, Numerical simulation of microwave heating problems, Numerical simulation of saltwater intrusion into heterogeneous aquifer systems

Research field

Numerical and computational mathematics, Applied mathematics

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Ph.d in Computational & Applied Mathematics (University of Dublin Trinity College)


Professor Liu has supervised over twenty PhD students and twelve MSc students in this field. He has also supervised over thirty visiting fellows supported by the China Scholarship Council from institutions including:

  • University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • Shandong University
  • Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Xiamen University
  • Qinghai Normal University
  • Shanghai University
  • Donghua University
  • Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Changsha University of Science and Technology
  • Sichuan  University
  • Henan University
  • Huzhou Normal University
  • Inner Mongolia University
  • China University of Geosciences
  • Jiangsu Normal University
  • Jimei University
  • HuaQiao University
  • Wuyi University
  • Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology.

Teaching areas

  • Numerical methods of fractional differential equations
  • Computational mathematics (numerical analysis)
  • Linear algebra
  • Advanced Computational Mathematics A (ACMA) 
  • MXN21+ACM  A: Singular perturbation problems.
  • Advanced Computational Mathematics B (ACMB)
  • MXN22+ACM B: Numerical methods for  fractional PDEs  (Finite difference method, Finite Element method, Finite Volume method, Meshless method, Spectral method)
  • Modern Statistical Computing Techniques (Numerical Computing Techniques)

Areas of expertise

  • Numerical solution of fractional partial differential equations
  • Numerical linear algebra
  • Computational modelling in porous media
  • Finite difference methods
  • Finite volume methods
  • Finite element methods
  • Singular perturbation problems.


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