Associate Professor
Felicity Deane

Profile image of Associate Professor Felicity Deane

Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law

Research field

Other law and legal studies

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Monash University)
  • BCom (University of Queensland)
  • LLB (University of Queensland)

Professional memberships and associations

Dr Felicity Deane is an Associate Professor at the Queensland University of Technology.  She completed a Bachelor of Law and a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Queensland in 1999. Immediately following graduation Felicity commenced work and study in the United States in the disciplines of accounting and law.


Felicity has published extensively in areas where economics and the law intersect. She has been researching and teaching the law of the World Trade Organization for over a decade and has extensive knowledge of international trade law and practice. Her first book, Emissions Trading and WTO Law: A Global Analysis, examined the impact of trade rules on climate change market based instruments.


Over the past 10 years she has collaborated with industry partners on projects that focus on land use practices in Australia, export markets and impacts on natural resources. In 2016 she led a multidisciplinary project to evaluate different regulatory strategies in the Great Barrier Reef Catchment. In 2019, she was commissioned by the National Farmers Federation to explore farmer’s perceptions of the Commonwealth legislation, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). In 2020 she was again asked to led projects by the National Farmer’s Federation, and her work was extensively quoted in their submission to the Independent Review of the EPBC Act.


Since 2018 she has been a Chief Investigator on the Beefledger Project funded through the Food Agility CRC and most recently Future Food Systems CRC. Through this work she has published on the use of blockchain technology to support better industry behaviour through the creation of voluntary associations. This work has considered privacy concerns, digitisation of the beef supply chain and smart contract automation.


QUT ePrints

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