Professor Guy Gable

Profile image of Professor Guy Gable

Personal details


Business value of IT, Enterprise Systems (ERP) management, IT consultant management, IT evaluation, Research Systems, Information systems evaluation, Information systems management, Research Methodology, Research Project Management, Research Training

Research field

Information systems

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (University of Bradford)
  • MBA (University of Western Ontario)
  • BCom (University of Alberta)

Professional memberships and associations

Fellow of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), Member AIS College of Senior Scholars, Lifetime Member AIS


INN700 - Introduction to Research (1st and 2nd semester each of the past 4 years) ...

INN701 - Advanced Research Topics (1st and 2nd semester each of the past 4 years) ...

IAB402 - Information Systems Consulting (1st semester the past 3 years) ...

Ph.D. Research Student Supervision  ... Lettie Conrad (under examination); Peter Westerveld (on LOA)


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