Professor Gene Moyle

Profile image of Professor Gene Moyle

Academic Division,
Office of the DVC (Academic)

Personal details


Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Programs and Partnerships)
Academic Division,
Office of the DVC (Academic)


Performance Psychology, Sport & Exercise Psychology, Dance, Performing Arts, Leadership, Organisational Development, Learning & Development, Safety & Wellness

Research field

Applied and developmental psychology, Performing arts

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Psychology (Sport & Exercise) (University of Southern Qld)
  • Master of Psychology (Sport & Exercise) (University of Southern Qld)
  • Postgraduate Diploma of Professional Psychology (Bond University)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Dance) (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology/Human Movement) (University of Queensland)
  • Diploma of Dance (Australian Ballet School) (Where Institution is unknown)

Professional memberships and associations


Research outputs by year

QUT ePrints

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Current supervisions

  • Analysing early specialisation in ballet dancers in Australia
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Ian Renshaw
  • Designing authentic digital scenography: a framework for creative practice informed by mixed methods research into professional theatre practice and audience perception
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Kathryn Kelly