Dr Gowri Ramachandran

Profile image of Dr Gowri Ramachandran

Faculty of Science,
School of Information Systems

Personal details


Senior Lecturer in Information Systems
Faculty of Science,
School of Information Systems


Data Security and Privacy, Cybersecurity, Distributed and Trusted Computing, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Service Computing

Research field

Distributed computing and systems software, Information systems, Other information and computing sciences

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Engineering Science (PhD) in Computer Science (Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven)

Professional memberships and associations


  • IFN712 Research in IT Practice: This unit takes a practice-based approach to understand what research is, how to perform research and why it is important.
  • IFN649 Advanced Networks: This unit is designed for graduate students in the Masters of IT. Students will learn the theory, architecture, hardware/software, and programming of networks, including network services, Internet-of-Things (IoT), as well the security, trust, and privacy considerations in these networks.
  • IFN711 Industry Project: This unit teaches graduate students in Masters in IT to conduct a well-defined project with specific outcomes. I contribute to this unit by proposing and supervising research projects.
  • EGH400-1 and EGH400-2: This unit let students identify engineering challenges and carry out comprehensive, independent projects to address them using a rigorous research and investigation framework. I contribute to this unit by proposing and supervising research projects.


QUT ePrints

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Current supervisions

  • Secure and Efficient Backup Through Universal Data Deduplication
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Raja Jurdak
  • A Decentralised Publish-Process-Subscribe Data Sharing Platform for Supply Chain Applications
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Raja Jurdak
  • Post-Quantum Cryptography for Internet-of-Things Applications
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Raja Jurdak
  • Decentralised Blockchain Storage Solution : Scalable and Secure Optimisation Scheme for Efficient Data Management
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Raja Jurdak, Dr Ali Dorri
  • Energy-aware Blockchain Mining and Optimisation
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Raja Jurdak

Completed supervisions (Masters by Research)