Dr Helen Donovan

Profile image of Dr Helen Donovan

Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing

Personal details


Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing

Research field


Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Central Queensland University)


I have been teaching at a tertiary level for about 15 years, and with two Masters degree in education to underpin my teaching, I have been able to develop and create environments of learning that meets the learning needs. My PhD examined the experiences of double degree nurse midwives. As most of the participants worked across both disciplines simultaneously, it highlighted the need for these graduates (and all graduate nurses and midwives) to be resilient and to develop coping skills and strategies that effectively enabled their transition into the eclectic world of nursing and midwifery. These findings have been instrumental in my teaching and preparing nurses for real world practice and career development. As a result of the needs identified from these findings and my teaching experience, I have developed a website www.nurseintransit.com to assist gradaute nurses and midwives in their preparation for practice as registered health practitioners, and I have run (and continue to run) Job interview workshops for the past 6 years. I have recently achieved a Senior Fellow in the Higher Education Academy London award (2018) for my experience in teaching and mentoring teaching teams.  I have also been awarded the Formal Mentoring role at Senior Fellow level.  This aligns with my role as Nursing COMPASS coordinator where I support students in their mentorship of others so that they understand and can work effectively with academic assessment tasks.



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