Associate Professor
Heather Fraser

Profile image of Associate Professor Heather Fraser

Faculty of Health,
School of Public Health & Social Work

Personal details


Associate Professor in Social Science
Faculty of Health,
School of Public Health & Social Work

Research field

Public health

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Monash University)


Teaching Experience and Expertise

Courses/Topics/Subjects Taught & Coordinated: @ Flinders University:  Human Rights Based Social Work Practice Reasons for Social Work Understanding Addictions Social Work with Diverse Populations Ethical Issues and Critical Reflexivity Introduction to Child Protection Interpersonal Practice Social Work Theories of Intervention Child Welfare @ RMIT University: Critical Social Work Community Development Strategies Research Strategies Advocacy and Social Action Advanced Advocacy and Social Action Social Work Research Social Construction of the Self Social Work Theory and Practice 1A (History and Trends) Social Work Theory and Practice 3A (Community Work) Women and Human Services MSW Field Education 1 @ University of Manitoba: Anti-Oppressive Practice Narrative Analysis Summer Institute Feminist perspectives in Social Work (city access programs) Introduction to communication @ University of Melbourne: Contemporary Social Policy Theorising Social Inequality Community Work Working with Diverse Populations Organisational Contexts of Social Work Practice @ Deakin University: Introducing Social Work Current Issues in Practice Critical Social Work Practice @ Monash University: BSW Field Education Social Policy Social Work Skills @ James Cook University: Human Service Organisations Social Work Values and Ethics Field Education @ University of South Australia: Managing Community Services Introduction to Welfare Groupwork Social Policy Introducing Sociology Health Sociology



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