Professor Ioni Lewis

Profile image of Professor Ioni Lewis

Faculty of Health,
School of Psychology & Counselling

Personal details


Faculty of Health,
School of Psychology & Counselling


road safety advertising, message design and evaluation (and evaluation methodologies), health communication, persuasion, attitude-behaviour relations, and health behaviour change

Research field

Other psychology

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology)

Professional memberships and associations

Committee Memberships

  • Australasian College of Road Safety - Member (Current)
  • Australian Marketing and Social Research Society (AMSRS) – Member (Current)
  • Australian Injury Prevention Network (AIPN) - Member (Current)
  • Consumer Product Injury Research Advisory Group (CPIRAG) – Member  (2013- Current)
  • Child Restraint Education and Safe Travel Committee (CREST) – Member (2013-2015)
  • 2016 International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology – Organising Committee Member* (* In 2012, co-wrote the successful CARRS-Q bid to host this conference)
  • Australasian Ethics Network (AEN) Conference - Planning Committee Member (2011-2012)

Conference Chair

  • Chair, Scientific Committee, 2015 Australian Road Safety Conference (ARSC)
  • Developer and Chair, Organising Committee, 2014 Inaugural Australasian Symposium of Health Communication, Advertising and Marketing (Health CAM)
  • Chair, Organising Committee, 2018 Australasian Symposium of Health Communication, Advertising and Marketing (HealthCAM 2018)

Conference Workshop Facilitation

  • "Public Education and Health Behaviour Change" at the Australian Injury Prevention Network Conference, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia (Nov, 2017)
  • Facilitator of the “Social marketing” workshop at the Australasian Road Safety Research Policing and Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia (Aug, 2013).
  • Facilitator of the “Social Marketing: Towards an Effective Future” workshop at the Australasian College of Road Safety Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia (Sept, 2011).


QUT ePrints

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Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.