Dr Jackie Bettington
Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Accountancy
Jackie Bettington is a researcher and Lecturer within the School of Accountancy (Faculty of Business and Law). Her research interests are corporate governance, business ethics, boards of directors, director financial literacy and digital governance. In 2015 Jackie completed a Research Masters in which she developed a director financial literacy competency framework for directors serving boards in Australia, including the governing bodies of nonprofit organisations. Continuing her research into a PhD Jackie investigated the relationship between director financial literacy, board dynamics and the financial monitoring performance of individual directors and boards. Developing a direct test of director financial literacy, training course and tools to assist directors were key practical real world products of her research.Personal details
- Lecturer
Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Accountancy
Research field
Accounting, auditing and accountability
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)
- Masters of Business (Research) (Queensland University of Technology)
- MLitt (Public History) (University of Sydney)
- MA (University of Sydney)
- MBA (Queensland University of Technology)
- GradDipIM (ArchivAdmin) (University of New South Wales)
- GradDipEd (Secondary) (Charles Sturt University)
- GradCert (Philanthropy&NpSt) (Queensland University of Technology)
- BA (University of New South Wales)
Professional memberships and associations
- Accounting and Finance Association of Australian and New Zealand (AFAANZ) - Member
- Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) - Member
- Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) - Member (GAICD)
- Governance Institute of Australia (GIA) - Fellow (FGIA)
- International Society of Corporate Governance (ICGS) - Member
Over the past 20 years Jackie has served as a director and chair on a number of nonprofit boards including boards of professional associations, heritage organisations and providers of residential care and support to children and young people. She also has extensive professional experience in information governance law, policy and practice in the public, nonprofit and commercial sectors.
- Bettington, J., Nicholson, G. & Bezemer, P. (2015). Understanding director financial literacy: A mixed method approach. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM 2015). https://eprints.qut.edu.au/212625
QUT ePrints
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