Associate Professor
Jamie Trapp

Faculty of Science,
School of Chemistry & Physics
I am a physicist with research interests which mainly focus on medical physics, radiation detectors, and radiation interactions. In medical physics, I have been involved in numerous research projects which have led to improved radiotherapy treatments (some which were not previously possible), better radiation safety, and optimising radiation beams used for treatment of cancers and other diseases. The research is collaborative by nature, and involves working closely with excellent people in the medical industry locally, nationally, and internationally. It is needs-driven, has actual real-world impact, and has been included in codes of practice. For an example of impact of some of this work, see Impact Study - Impact Data Portal ( radiation detectors and measurement, my research focus has been on 3D gel dosimeters, scintillation detectors, and the development of 4D radiation measurements.
But really, research is fun and I like to dabble in anything interesting.
I completed my BSc in 1998 and BSc (Hons) in 1999 at QUT. I then worked at Queensland Health (Princess Alexandra Hospital) as a Medical Physicist before commencing my PhD back at QUT (completed 2003). The topic of my PhD was in CT imaging and radiation interactions in polymer gel dosimeters. In 2003 I was employed as a postdoctoral research scientist at the Institute of Cancer Research/Royal Marsden Hospital in London (Sutton), UK. During this time, I further developed gel dosimetry for the clinical environment. In 2004 I joined RMIT in Melbourne as an academic, and in 2007 joined QUT in Brisbane.
I am a Distinguished Fellow of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine, former Editor-In-Chief of the journal Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (now Editorial Board Member), am a member of the Publications Committee of the International Organization for Medical Physics, and a member of the Australian Institute of Physics Accreditation Panel.
Personal details
- Associate Professor
Faculty of Science,
School of Chemistry & Physics
Medical physics, Dosimetry, Radiation
Research field
Medical and biological physics, Other physical sciences, Synchrotrons and accelerators
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)
Professional memberships and associations
- Distinguished Fellow - Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine
- Australian Institute of Physics
- PVB302 - Classical and Quantum Physics
- PVB303 - Nuclear and Particle Physics
- PVB102 - Physics of the Very Small
- PCB675 - Radiation Safety and Biology
- PVB304 - Physics Research
- PCN211 - Physics of Medical Imaging
- PCN214 - Health and Occupational Physics
- PCN113 - Radiation Physics
Current Appointments
- Editor In Chief of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
- Member of Publications Committee of International Organization for Medical Physics
- Member of Accreditation Committee of Australian Institute of Physics
Relevant Employment History
- 2007 - Present - Physics Academic at QUT
- 2004-2007 - Lecturer/Senior Lecturer at RMIT
- 2003-2004 - Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Institute of Cancer Research, London
- 2000-2003 - PhD Candidate
- 1999-2000 - Medical Physicist, Queensland Health
- Wilson-Stewart, K., Fontanarosa, D., Malacova, E. & Trapp, J. (2022). Impact of dose reducing software on patient and staff temple dose during fluoroscopically guided pacemaker insertion, closure devices implantation and coronary angiography procedures. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 45(2), 589–599.
- Aland, T., Jones, M., Aho, J., Kairn, T. & Trapp, J. (2021). Modelling of a novel technique to improve the visualisation of implanted fiducial markers for intra-fraction MV imaging of prostate VMAT targets. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 7(5).
- Rijken, J., Crowe, S., Trapp, J. & Kairn, T. (2020). A review of stereotactic body radiotherapy for the spine. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 43(3), 799–824.
- Smith, S., Boase, N., Masters, K., Hosokawa, K., Asena, A., Crowe, S., Kairn, T. & Trapp, J. (2019). A very low diffusion Fricke gel dosimeter with functionalised Xylenol orange-PVA (XOPVA). Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(20), 1–10.
- Binny, D., Mezzenga, E., Lancaster, C., Trapp, J., Kairn, T. & Crowe, S. (2017). Investigating output and energy variations and their relationship to delivery QA results using Statistical Process Control for helical tomotherapy. Physica Medica, 38, 105–110.
- Dancewicz, O., Sylvander, S., Markwell, T., Crowe, S. & Trapp, J. (2017). Radiological properties of 3D printed materials in kilovoltage and megavoltage photon beams. Physica Medica, 38, 111–118.
- Charles, P., Cranmer-Sargison, G., Thwaites, D., Crowe, S., Kairn, T., Knight, R., Kenny, J., Langton, C. & Trapp, J. (2014). A practical and theoretical definition of very small field size for radiotherapy output factor measurements. Medical Physics, 41(4), 1–8.
- Morales, J., Crowe, S., Hill, R., Freeman, N. & Trapp, J. (2014). Dosimetry of cone-defined stereotactic radiosurgery fields with a commercial synthetic diamond detector. Medical Physics, 41(11), 1–6.
- Crowe, S., Kairn, T., Kenny, J., Knight, R., Hill, B., Langton, C. & Trapp, J. (2014). Treatment plan complexity metrics for predicting IMRT pre-treatment quality assurance results. Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 37(3), 475–482.
- Taylor, M., Franich, R., Trapp, J. & Johnston, P. (2008). The effective atomic number of dosimetric gels. Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 31(2), 131–138.
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Jamie, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).
Current supervisions
- Improving image quality of Gamma Knife Icon [TM] cone-beam computed tomography images using deep-learning
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Andrew Fielding - Diagnostic Reference Levels of Multi-Detector CT scanners in Jordan
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Davide Fontanarosa - Development of a High Resolution 4D Real-time Radiotherapy Dosimetry System
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Timothy Moroney, Associate Professor Andrew Fielding - Understanding and Exploiting Piezoelectricity in Collagen
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Cameron Brown, Professor Jennifer MacLeod - Quality assurance for radiotherapy of cranial multi-metastatic tumours
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Andrew Fielding - Investigation of new renal absorbed dose limits for radionuclide therapies and improving administered activity determination protocols
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Davide Fontanarosa - Miniaturization of Electron based radiotherapy for robotic surgery
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Cameron Brown, Associate Professor Andrew Fielding
Completed supervisions (Doctorate)
- Factors Which Influence Occupational and Patient Radiation Dose Levels to the Brain and Eyes of Nursing and Other Staff Within Angiographic Suites (2022)
- Out-of-field dosimetry in contemporary radiation therapy (2022)
- Quality Assurance of Complex Radiotherapy Treatments Using High-Resolution 2D Dosimeters (2022)
- Improvements to the Delivery and Treatment Planning of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (2020)
- Advances in Very Small X-Ray Field Dosimetry for Circular Cones Used in Stereotactic Radiosurgery (2019)
- Radiotherapy Quality Assurance Using Statistical Process Control (2019)
- Development of Gel Dosimetry for Radiotherapy (2017)
- Dosimetry in the vicinity of high-density materials in radiotherapy (2017)
- Mega Voltage Cone Beam Computed Tomography with a Standard Medical Linear Accelerator (2015)
- Very Small Field Dosimetry (2014)
The supervisions listed above are only a selection.