Professor Jillian Hamilton

Profile image of Professor Jillian Hamilton

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Design,
Visual Communication

Personal details


Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Design,
Visual Communication


Higher Education Leadership, Higher Education Academic Development, Sessional staff, Postgraduate supervision, Interaction design, Student Success

Research field

Specialist studies in education, Design, Education systems

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (University of Western Sydney)

Professional memberships and associations

Principal Fellow: Higher Education Academy (Advance HE) (PFHEA)

President: Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT)

Registered Expert: Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Authority (TEQSA).


Teaching Awards
2016 Australian Awards for University Teaching: Program Award  For the Sessional Success Program: leading to unprecedented increases in sessional teachers’ ‘engagement’ and ‘passion’ and ‘teaching quality’, and profound influence students’ learning experience, engagement, and success. 
2015 Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching: Team Award For Sessional Career Advancement and Development
2013    Australian Award for University Teaching: Teaching Excellence: Arts and Humanities For Teaching excellence across multiple spheres, including:

  • Integrating theory and practice in ways that engage students, deepen their learning, and prepare them for rapidly changing creative professions.
  • Learning and teaching innovation, leadership, and commitment to enabling success for students.
  • As Discipline Leader of Art and Design at QUT, revitalising course curriculum to align it with student ambitions and increasing industry expectations of a theory-practice nexus.
  • Inspiring the next generation of academics through a theory-practice approach to learning and teaching capacity-building programs and sector-leading approach to sessional academic support.

2013    Australian Awards for University Teaching: Citation For outstanding contributions to student learning and sustained development of innovative approaches to academic development and comprehensive support frameworks for sessional tutors to ensure the best possible learning environment for students.

2013    Award for Institutional Excellence and Overall Winner: National Leadership Summit: Benchmarking Leadership for Sessional Teaching For programs dedicated to sessional staff learning and teaching, support and sustainability, sessional career advancement development and progression: Sessional Academic Program
and Sessional Academic Success program.

2011    Dean’s Award for Postgraduate Supervision (Commendation), Creative Industries For Leadership in establishing a supportive higher degree by research culture.

2007    QUT Teaching Fellow: Scheme A (Highest Level) For enhancing the transition from school to university in the Creative Industries through the co-development of an integrated foundation year curriculum and enhancing the transition of postgraduates into academia via sessional teaching roles in the first year program.

2005       QUT Award for Institutional Advancement in Learning and Teaching: Teaching Large, First Year Classes:  For Interfaculty team award for ‘Intertwining professional skills, technical skills and graduate capabilities to help first year students plug into an IT career.’
2005        Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, QUT Early Career Category In recognition of sustained excellence in teaching and outstanding teaching practice: Developing comprehensive support frameworks for tutors to ensure the best possible learning environment for students and innovative approaches to curriculum design for multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary cohorts.
2005        Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Creative Industries Faculty, QUT For innovative approaches to curriculum design for multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary cohorts.
1996        Award for Excellence in Teaching Using Multimedia, The University of Queensland For Teaching and Learning Committee Award for online educational innovation



QUT ePrints

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Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.