Dr Joe Carter

Profile image of Dr Joe Carter

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Creative Arts,
Film, Screen & Animation

Personal details


Senior Lecturer in Film Production
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Creative Arts,
Film, Screen & Animation

Research field

Performing arts

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Master of Science (Media Management) (University of Stirling)
  • Master of Business Administration (University of Sunderland)
  • Bachelor of Business (Advertising) (Queensland University of Technology)


Joe started his teaching career as a sessional academic at QUT in 1996 teaching within the Advertising degree, and later became a Lecturer in Film and Television in the UK for 13 years at the University of Sunderland.

Joining QUT in 2013, Joe has taught widely across the Entertainment Industries degree and the Film and New Media degree, specialising in advanced production areas (Multicam, 3rd-year Cinematography and Media Business).

Joe has successfully supervised a number of HDR students, and has mentored early-career academics and researchers as they embark on teadhing and research with the film and television sectors.



QUT ePrints

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