Dr Jorge Amaya Catano

Profile image of Dr Jorge Amaya Catano

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering

Personal details


Research Fellow - Mechanical and Validation Engineering
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)


QUT (Queensland University of Technology). Tutor / Guest Lecturer - Jul 2021 - Jun 2023 · 2 yrs. I conducted weekly face-to-face tutorials on EGH424 Biofluids and EGB125 Design for Manufacture, guiding students through the subject matter. I also diligently assessed and graded progress assignments and workshops.

EAFIT university. Adjunct Professor - Jul 2014 - Jul 2018 · 4 yrs - Medellin, Colombia. I conducted weekly face-to-face technical drawing (MI0230) lectures and tutorials. I also diligently assessed and graded progress assignments and midterms. Student evaluations are available on the University website.



QUT ePrints

To find publications by Jorge, visit QUT ePrints, the University's research repository.
