Dr Keith Moore

Profile image of Dr Keith Moore

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Teacher Education & Leadership

Personal details


Visiting Fellow
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Teacher Education & Leadership

Research field

Historical studies

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Monash University)

Professional memberships and associations

The History of Education in Australia is Keith's primary research area. He is a former President and Vice-President of the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society. In December 2013 at QUT’s Gardens Point campus he convened an ANZHES Conference with the theme: Education for all? Access, Equity and Exclusivity in the History of Education and in 2014, he was Editor of a special conference issue of History of Education Review arising from papers delivered at this conference. 


Teaching/Unit coordination

  • CRB102 – Australian Historical Studies
  • CRB103 – Interpreting the Past
  • CRB104 – Colonialism and Independence in the Asia Pacific
  • CRB106 – China since the Qin Dynasty
  • CRB107 – The Classical World
  • CRB108 – Nations and Nationalism in Modern Europe
  • CRB115 – Medieval Europe and the World
  • CRB116 – The Classical World 2 
  • CRB117 – Australia, Britain and America
  • CRB250 – Australian Society and Culture



QUT ePrints

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