Dr Kavita Gonsalves

Academic Division,
Sessional Staff
With a background in architecture and design, Kavita Gonsalves has worked in transdisciplinary projects of workplace design, design research, graphic design, architecture, urban design, and design strategy. She co-founded street-based guerrilla movements such as Multicoloured Dreamz (Helsinki, Finland) and the Bake Collective (Bombay & Bangalore, India). She was a SI Young Connector of the Future 2014 Fellow. Currently, she is a PhD candidate with the Urban Informatics Research Group at the QUT Design Lab in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. In her research titled "Radical Placemaking", Gonsalves focuses on the use of emerging technologies as tools for marginalized communities to engage in creative placemaking. Three key projects form part of her research: Chatty Bench Project (CBP), TransHuman Saunter (THSP), and Chatty Bench Festival Community Media Visual Projections (CBF CMVP). CBP was an entry to the prestigious Media Architecture Biennale 20 Awards and featured in their Demo sessions. TransHuman Saunter has been featured at the BAD festival, Uroboros festival and After Progress Digital Exhibition.Personal details
- Sessional Employment Contract with QUT
Academic Division,
Sessional Staff
Design, Urban Informatics, Human Geography, Feminist Studies, Community Engagement, Creative Technologies, Interaction Design, Sustainable, Resilient & Regenerative Design, Multispecies Studies, Futures Studies
Research field
Architecture, Design
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
- M.Arch (Glasgow School of Art)
- B.Arch (Manipal Institute of Technology)
- Creative Sustainability (Aalto University)
Professional memberships and associations
LEED AP BD+C | Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Creative Sustainability Minor (Aalto University, Finland)
Masters of Architecture (Glasgow School of Art, UK)
Bachelor of Architecture (Manipal Institute of Technology, India).
2021 Semester 2 DYB124: Design Consequences
2021 Semester 2 DYB201: Impact Lab: Planet
2021 Semester 2 DYB111: Create & Represent: Form
2021 Semester 1 DYB201: Impact Lab: Planet
2021 Semester 1 DTB101: Interior Studio: Interiority
2020 Semester 2 DYB124: Design Consequences
2020 Semester 2 DYB201: Impact Lab: Planet
2020 Semester 1 DYB111: Create & Represent: Form
2019 Semester 2 DYB124: Design Consequences
2019 Semester 2 DYB113: Create & Represent: Materials
2019 Semester 1 DYB111: Create & Represent: Form
2021- upto QUT More-than-Human Futures Research Group: Research Assistant
2020 QUT Design Lab: Research Assistant
2019 QUT Design Robotics: Research Assistant
2014-2018 Gensler Bangalore: Strategist and Designer
2014 Kranti: Strategist
2014 Rachana Sansad Institute of Environmental Architecture: Visiting Faculty Member
2011-2014 Environmental Design Solutions: Green Building Consultant
2007 Deepak Puri Architects & Interior Designers: Architect
2006 Hundredhands: Architect
2005-2006 Idiom Design & Consulting: Designer
2003 Architect Sarto Almeida: Architectural Intern
- Gonsalves, K., Foth, M., Caldwell, G. & Jenek, W. (2021). Radical placemaking: An immersive, experiential and activist approach for marginalised communities. Connections: Exploring heritage, architecture, cities, art, media, 20.1, 237–252. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/203188
- Caldwell, G., Gonsalves, K. & Foth, M. (2021). Radical Placemaking: Utilizing Low-Tech AR/VR to engage in Communal Placemaking during a Pandemic. Interaction Design and Architecture(s), 48(48), 143–164. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/208048
- Gonsalves, K., (2021). How to say Goodbye in a Pandemic. Feral Feminisms [Artefact]. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/228033
- Gonsalves, K. & Sheikh, H. (2020). SAMI: Augmented Reality and Social Justice [Digital Creative Work]. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/208765
- Gonsalves, K., Jenek, W., Caldwell, G., Foth, M., Nijs, G., Laureyssens, T., Coenen, J. & Vande Moere, A. (2021). DIY & More-than-Human Media Architecture - Allegories, Entanglements and Speculative Practice: Conference Workshop Proceedings. Presented at: Media Architecture Biennale. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/214092
- Sheikh, H., Gonsalves, K. & Foth, M. (2021). Plant(e)tecture: Towards a Multispecies Media Architecture Framework for amplifying Plant Agencies. Proceedings of the 5th Media Architecture Biennale Conference, MAB 2020, 87–99. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/210865
- Chen, K., Gonsalves, K., Guaralda, M., Turkay, S. & Kerr, J. (2019). Towards a typology for playable digital interventions in urban public space. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 455–459. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/134087
- Jenek, W., Caldwell, G., Donovan, J., Garcia Hansen, V., Adcock, M., Xi, M. & Gonsalves, K. (2021). Exploring Immersive Technology for Architecture that Empowers Marginalized People: An Australian Postgraduate Case Study in Design Education. Journal of Design Studio, 3(1), 117–123. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/211683
- Jenek, W., Caldwell, G., Donovan, J., Garcia Hansen, V., Adcock, M., Xi, M. & Gonsalves, K. (2021). Media Architecture in Architecture Studio Education capturing dynamics in the process: Exploring how architecture students design with virtual design environments tools. Proceedings of the 5th Media Architecture Biennale Conference, MAB 2020, 200–204. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/212728
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Kavita, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).