Dr Kevin Dudley

Profile image of Dr Kevin Dudley

Faculty of Science,
School of Biology & Environmental Science

Personal details


Research Officer (Genomics)
Faculty of Science,
School of Biology & Environmental Science


Epigenetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics, DNA Methylation, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Cyberomics

Research field

Bioinformatics and computational biology, Agricultural biotechnology, Biochemistry and cell biology

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (University of Keele, Staffordshire (UK))


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Current supervisions

  • Application of Long-Read Sequencing to Study the Role of DNA Methylation on Isoform Expression During Helicoverpa armigera Development
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Pawel Sadowski
  • Bioprospecting, and Characterization of Plastic and Plasticiser Degrading Enzymes from Great Australian Artesian Basin Thermophiles for Biorecycling and Bioremediation
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Pawel Sadowski, Adjunct Associate Professor Junior Te'o