Associate Professor
Lucy Cradduck

Profile image of Associate Professor Lucy Cradduck

Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law


climate change risks, property rights, tenure rights, broadband, internet, technololgy, digital engagements, end user, open access

Research field

Other law and legal studies

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Juridical Science (Queensland University of Technology)
  • LLM(TechLaw) (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Queensland University of Technology)
  • LLB (Queensland University of Technology)
  • ANZIIF(Assoc) (Other)

Professional memberships and associations

Current Board Roles

Current Professional Memberships

Previous Board Roles and Professional Memberships


Lucy's teaching activities include coaching mooting teams. This currently includes teams in the Oxford International Intellectual Property Law Moot; and the Baker McKenzie National Women's Moot competitions.

She has previously coached teams in the AAT NOOT (Negotiating Outcomes On Time), AAT Moot, and the QUT/Shine Torts Moot competitions. Lucy also assists with practice and competition judging, and in 2018 she was a judge at the Oxford International IP Law Moot.



QUT ePrints

For more publications by Lucy, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).

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Current supervisions

  • A Living Jurisdiction? The common law jurisdiction of the High Court of Australia in the 21st Century
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Kieran Tranter
  • Native Title: Quantifying Just Compensation for Non-Economic Loss
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Andrea Blake, Dr Paul Donehue

The supervisions listed above are only a selection.